really worried about a biting puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Erics Mum, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Erics Mum

    Erics Mum Registered Users

    Dec 4, 2013
    Hi I'm Eric's mum.
    I have posted a few times but I'm more of a viewer.

    I'm getting worried about Eric, he's 5 months old and very big. The issue is the constant biting and the inability to stop jumping up. I know that there are lots of posts and articles staying it will get better but Eric's is getting progressively worse. I simple can not let him out of the crate without him biting some part of my body or clothes. Even when I'm not directly engaging with him he will come up and clamp my trousers or hand. Ive try saying no firmly, he ignores that and carries on. I've tried to ignore him but he just jumps up continuously. I've tried the time out, yelping when he bites, basically verything suggested to me.There are even times when I've pushed him away as he's hurt me that bad he's snarled at my and bit again. My arms and toes are covered scratches and I going myself leaving him in his crate more and's not just me it's everyone he meets. Young, old, friend or stranger. He even snapped at the vet!
    I'm takin him to puppy class for the first time tomorrow but I just wondered if there is anything else I could try. I'm so sad about it as I adore him. But it really is getting to the point where I'm spending less time with him as he bites continuously. Thanks folks xxx
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Hi , sorry that you re struggling with Eric , a few questions first I`m afraid .
    Does he go for walks and if so, how long for and does he have a garden to play in ? Also , what is he being fed on ?
    The problem is that undesirable behaviour can become habitual if they get out of hand , if he is being put into his crate more and more , it will become a viscious circle as he will rebel and be more and more naughty when he gets out . Does he have toys like kongs which can be stuffed with food to keep pups occupied ? Most pups do bite and hard too , have you tried to distract him with a toy when he does it ? Sorry for all the questions , I can tell how upset you are .
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Oh I'm sorry you are struggling,and I'm sorry you've got me as your first reply ( more help,will be along soon I can assure you! )as I can't really help.Dexter only came to us as a 5 month old,he's our first dog and he was past the worst of it .....I only hear about this really tough stage through posts like yours.i just wanted to say hi to you because you sound a bit worn down with it and I'm sorry you are sound like you are doing everything that experienced members advise and these things do work if you persevere until you come out the other side of this stage/ age.....but it can be downright unpleasant while you are experiencing it.......
    What is the routine of Eric's days?are there times when it is worse than others?
    Hang in there advice will come
    Best wishes
    Angela x
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    I wasn't the first...Kate beat me to it,phew! X
  5. Erics Mum

    Erics Mum Registered Users

    Dec 4, 2013
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    hi thanks - I've just reread the post back and as I wrote it on my tablet it seems to have autocorrected a few words so it makes me sound even more strained.
    but I have to admit im feeling the pressue lately.
    Eric is in his crate a lot 3 days a week due to work commitments - that has never been an issue before but I suppose it could be now.
    my parents are great and pop round every 2/3 hours and let him out, feed him, play with him for a little bit however he does eventually go back in the crate. plus he behaves the same with them too.
    thinking about it these do seem to be the days when his behaviour is worse.
    we walk him daily about 1-2 miles per day and take him on long walks in the woods at the weekend, which he loves and behaves on!
    we have a lovely big garden but he's a chewer of wood so has destroyed the bird house, many fence panels and event tried the shed!! this is despite lots of toys and balls to play with.
    Even writing this I'm beginning to think it is the crate situation but what else can I do when he's a chewer!!
    we have a kong and have tried the treat thing but he seems to get to then very quickly and then looses interest. I have read somewhere about a paste or cream you can put in them to make them more appealing.
    what are people thoughts regarding puppy classes. at least he may learn not to jump and the word no! xxxxxx
  6. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Chose your class carefully , they can be very useful but can also be a manic free for all if classes are too big and not kept under control :) :)
    A good place to ask re classes is your Vets and good luck .
    Maybe a daft question but thinking ahead to better weather, is there any way you could make a pen for Eric in your garden , a place of safety ( for him and your garden !) and somewhere for him to play ?
  7. Erics Mum

    Erics Mum Registered Users

    Dec 4, 2013
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    we always wanted to move Eric to a pen in the good weather but at the moment due to the wet weather the most suitable place (near the grass is sodden. He cant get there at the moment. it is something to think about though.
    thank you x
  8. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Keep strong. My pup is 6.5 months old and still jumps up on people who come into our house. She doesn't do it when we are out though. I have asked everyone who comes round to turn their body away from her when she jumps and ignore her until she sits, then praise her for being calm. Sometimes it can take 5 mins, but she is getting the message. Tonight she didn't even jump on a friend when he came round :)
    As for the biting/chewing, i don't have much experience as this stopped when she was little, but I have found frozen kongs are much longer lasting.
    Good luck x
  9. Indy

    Indy Registered Users

    Jan 2, 2014
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Sorry to hear of your troubles with Eric.
    Sounds like he is bored.

    Puppy's bite and bite hard, but they need to know bite inhibition. This can a painful process for you, but if handled right does not last too long.
    You are doing right by yelping, but it needs to be a really high pitched scream (have you ever heard a pup being told off by an older dog, it sounds like the puppy has been murdered) then walk out of room, but then go back in 30secs and try again by putting your hand around the pups mouth, if it bites again repeat the process and so on.

    Have you tried feeding the pup by hand, easy if on kibble. Allow the pup to mouth your hand with the kibble in it, only allow the food when gentle.

    Jumping up is another problem, do not push down with hands (the pup sees this as a reward for jumping up) use your knee and turn your back and ignore and do not say anything. Try and distract by giving the pup something to do? Tell it to Sit and when he does reward and praise.
  10. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    There are some amazing frozen kong combinations that some of the gang on here have created for their dogs.i personally don't think you need to think about buying expensive can use banana,peanut butter,mashed up leftover veggies,bit of gravy if it's not too salty,bit of sardine oil which ,Akers it nice and smelly to hold their interest.Dexter is so sensitive he has to just have soaked kibble interspersed with some steamed chicken and dry kibble ,for a bit of crunch ;D but it occupies him for probably 15 mins til it's all gone.
    Whe he was younger I bought him one of those treat dispenser balls...good job we trialled it while we were in the house and didn't leave him alone,he got the treats ( kibble) out and then while I took my eye of the ball ( quite literally ::)) and took a phone call, he crunched the treat dispenser up!!
    Last week there was one in the sale bucket in the pet shop,it was a slightly different design so he can't get purchase on it to crunch it pluses he's older now so I thought I would give it a's brilliant,I put some Ice cubes in....few pieces of dried kibble and soaked kibble and he is at it for ages.......another thing that works for us is a kong wobbler...don't know what took me so long to get onto that....just a few ideas to keep a restless nippy pup occupied in the crate x
  11. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Hi Eric's Mum

    We are in this together. I have 5 month old and it is very hard going. Having seen and admired wonderful , calm Labradors it is a total shock to discover that Labrador puppies are a chewing, jumping up nightmare. I think the chewing on me is decreasing, but when you find the teeth on the floor you realise that they are teething and probably very uncomfortable.

    It is the jumping up that worries me most. Ignoring etc has made no impact whatsoever. However, when I went to puppy classes all the Labs were inveterate jumpers, so I think it is inate to the breed and just hope she grows out of it SOON.

    Sorry I'm not much practical help to you, but I thought I'd post so you knew you weren't alone.
  12. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Hi there,

    Jumping and biting are, as you know, really common. But, they are not necessarily something that all dogs grow out of, and the best way to tackle them is with a structured plan.

    I'm guessing you have read the articles on 'biting' on the website, but if not, I recommend you start with this one, which has links to the others. There is also a biting FAQ going up next week which you may find helpful. The two chief causes of biting are over excitement/physical play, and in older puppies attention seeking - where the puppy may be failing to get the owner's attention in any other way. So, it is important to set targets for rewarding quiet and calm behaviour. 'Spy' on your puppy and try and catch him 'in the act' of being calm. This might be simply standing in the kitchen not doing anything in particular, or it might be sleeping in his basket. Drop a treat between his paws and tell him in a very calm quiet voice how good he is. See if you can get ten of these in a day. Make a chart, write it down, so you can see how you progress.

    Jumping up can be trained out, and there is information on this on the main site, but in the meantime you need a way to manage and control your growing pup. You might like to consider having him wear a houseline from the moment he gets up in the morning, whenever he is out of his crate. This enables you to take control when he gets overexcited - lead him away from visitors or whatever is exciting him, and give him chance to calm down.

    Hope that makes sense :)
  13. Erics Mum

    Erics Mum Registered Users

    Dec 4, 2013
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    Well it's been a month since this initial post and Eric has really improved. Maybe it has something to do with his teeth beginning to fall out (he's just turned 6 months)
    He still nibbles and sometimes even snaps but there is very little force behind it.
    I'm not saying we are over the worst as his other behaviours are worsening. He's learnt to bark loudly, jump on the sofa and eat almost every bit of underwear in the house. But his biting is subsiding xx
    Thanks for you help and support - I really didn't believe it when you all said it does get better but it has xx
  14. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    That is good to hear!
    I think there have been previous threads about barking and sofa-hogging, but the underwear stealing - nah, no cure for that!!!!
    Apart from training everyone in the household to tidy up after themselves. Maybe more tricky than training Eric to take them all to the washer ;D
  15. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: really worried about a biting puppy

    So glad things have got better with the biting :) underwear does seem to be Harley's favourite item to pinch if she gets the opportunity! ;)

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