The Kennel Club have just published a report with data from 329 breed rescue societies. Of dogs given up for rescue 50% were handed in by women, only 17% by men. The reasons given were lifestyle changes, lack of training and lack of time to spend with the dog. The busiest month for breed rescues was January, after the Christmas puppies lost their cute appeal and just became hard work. I couldn't see a comment as to why women were more likely to give up the dog than men, I suspect because they are the main carers in the family and see the problems with the dog on a more frequent basis. Poor dogs......
Re: Women more likely to give dogs to rescue than men Hmm. If you look at the balance of genders on this forum, it would suggest that yes, maybe the females in the family are more vocal when it comes to dogcare (notice I didn't say more proactive, just vocal ). Yes, that may then translate to women being the ones who take the dog into a rescue centre... I don't see why they made that point though without expanding upon it. It could be for entirely practical reasons - e.g. opening hours of rescue centres tying in around school hours/ part-time working for those with younger families? Don't know. Clare
Re: Women more likely to give dogs to rescue than men Don't think you can draw any conclusions from that, other than most women are at home and are left to do the dirty work? Roger
Re: Women more likely to give dogs to rescue than men Clare I think they were trying to say that women make the decision to send the dog to rescue more frequently, rather than physically take the dog to rescue. Presumably the rest of the 33% of dogs going to rescue are there as a result of a joint decision in a 2 adult household.
Re: Women more likely to give dogs to rescue than men I do think that on many occasions , children put pressure on their parents to have a dog , Dads maybe give in more easily because they are often not the ones at home to walk, feed, train etc . ?
Re: Women more likely to give dogs to rescue than men I know for a fact that Penny is my dog. Although we made the decision to get her together, my OH never would have considered getting a dog if we weren't together. I know that if something were to happen, Penny would stay with me. I pay for everything for her so she is my responsibility. I have done all her training. My OH does look after too and loves her to peices, he has done his fair share, but like I said, she is primarily my dog and I know that if, god forbid, neither of us could keep her anymore it would be my decision and I would be the one to take her to the rescue.