Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Hi, * How old is your dog? * What time does he go to bed? * Do you take him outside to pee/poo before going to bed? * Where does he go to bed?
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Hi she is 13 months old She will go to bed when we do 10:30 She always pops out for a pee before And in the kitchen
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Hi. Sorry I can't offer much advice as Harley slept well from 12/14 weeks old. For the first few weeks, I would wake up every 4 hours, take her out for a wee then straight back into her crate. If she cried I between these times I would ignore her. It only took a few days for her to realise I wasn't coming! She now sleeps from 11pm til 7am at least. When you get up at 4.30am does she go for a wee? What does she do then? Do you play with her?
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am My next questions would be... What happens at 4.30a.m.? Is she woken by external noises? Does she then whine to wake you? How quickly do you go to her? Depending on the proximity of your neighbours, I might just go for a pillow over the head and delay going to her... She may just have learnt that you appear when she demands it? I do sympathise - my 7 month old Lab has decided that if the birds are up, she should be too. As we are staying with relatives away from home, she indicates this by lying on my chest and washing my face until I can take it no more. Funnily enough, if she's at home in her crate, she just waits until I get up and go downstairs!! Clare
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Hi Rushers. We had a similar problem, but probably around 6-7 months. The gradually earlier waking up time : Can't say much more than Clare. We were advised on a mild aversive by our trainer, one which we had used for other corrective behaviour. I have to say, it worked at the time, but given a similar situation again I would just go for the ignore approach. At 13 months, bladder control should be good enough to go all night, so there should be no need to wake at that time. Definitely, definitely, don't reward by going through, even if just to check all is okay - ignore for a few days and hopefully she will get the message.
Re: Sleep please past 4:30am Thank you for all your replies with the clocks going forward this weekend it won't look so bad