Amy has a mucky ear, vet gave us drips but Amy won't let me near her with them. She is hidding in the dining room and won't come out. Full on panting and pacing when I go to her. Any advice for us? She would her me near her ears before this so thought it would be ok.
Re: both getting stressed. Poor lass. To get her to accept the drops without fear you will have to do a fair bit of desensitisation. That is, start with the drops in another room and reward any movement towards them (eg by laying a trail of treats), gradually building up to being rewarded for approaching someone holding the drops. I honestly think that it'll be a challenge to get her to the point where she'll allow the drops to be used (though it certainly, without doubt, could be done with enough time, patience and treats). What happened at the vet? Was something put in her ear? Had you made an attempt to put the drops in at home?
Re: both getting stressed. I put them in once and then that's when she went sulky with me. She will let me rub her ears but as soon as I have the drops she hides. Can she smell when I have them in my hands? Thank you for your advice. She isn't showing too many signs that her ear is hurting her so will take it slowly from now.
Re: both getting stressed. I think if you take it incredibly slowly and with lots of great treats you'll get there. Might take a few sessions. Maybe wait a few hours to start the process She is probably going on a whole range of cues - your body language, sound of the drops being picked up, sight of your closed hand, and no doubt the scent of the drops too.