Please help! I've almost had it :-( 5 month lab driving me crazy

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Bennets4, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Bennets4

    Bennets4 Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2014
    Hi all,

    I am so grateful to have found this website and forum! :)

    I've got a very cheeky 5 month male yellow lab called Barkley. We've had him since 3 months as previous family couldn't cope with a growing puppy and 4 children in the house. We've heard such horror stories about labs eating dining tables and chewing through walls etc but touch wood we've not had any experience of this yet, well until now........

    It seems like as soon as he hit 5 months (2 weeks ago) things have started going backwards. He now destroys leaflets and socks if you're not quick enough and the biting is back and he seems to want to take it out on me. He'll bite my feet and jump up and bite me. If I ignore him (which is what you're supposed to do for bad behaviour he just does it more and barks at me) I've really tried ignoring him but that's difficult because it hurts! I've tried shouting 'no bite' and also tried water spray which he thinks is hilarious and just makes him more crazy. I really don't know what else to do! I'd hate to think this was aggressive, it feels like it more frustration and him wanting attention and I don't know how to stop it. I am scared to take him to my families house until this stops because I wouldn't want anyone else to suffer it.

    He's well socialised and is good at the basic commands and our routine hasn't really changed so not sure where this has come from. I don't mean to make him out to be a complete monster as 90% of the time he's great. Any help/advice/reassurance that this is a 'stage' would be great.

    Thank you all in advance xx

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  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Hi there, as you probably know, this is one of the most common problems that new puppy owners experience. There are lots of articles to help you. :)

    If you look at this thread you'll see a list of five articles on biting near the bottom. I suggest you start with How to cope when your puppy bites You will find 3 steps to work through.

    Let us know if you have any questions.
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Hi and welcome :)

    Lovely photo, gorgeous boy ;)

    It sounds like frustration or too much energy to me. Harley went through a 'naughty' stage around 6 months old, but after ignoring that behaviour and upping her walks it stopped :)
    How often and how long do you walk him for? Does he get any 'off lead' time to run around?

    I would definitely read the links Pippa has given above :)
  4. Bennets4

    Bennets4 Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2014
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Thank you :)

    I walk him first thing for 30 minutes on the lead then early evening we have another 30 minutes where he goes off the lead for the majority of this time. We've just started the 'off lead' in the park. It's quite scary but so far he's come back every time! We also play chase in the house but I suppose as he gets older we should up his walks to longer in the evening plus it's great exercise for me to!

    Thank you for the article links...I'll get reading! And thank you for the kind words of reassurance that with persistence it will pay off and he'll be my fairly normal (as puppies go) Barkley xx
  5. rubyrubyruby

    rubyrubyruby Registered Users

    Mar 30, 2014
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy


    A total of 1 hr walk per day is more than enough for a 5 month old, in fact if you go with the 5 min rule then he should only be having about half of that !

    I would say that chasing around the house is not helping the situation. I know it would wind mine up and make them hypo.

    Why don't you try to mentally exhaust him too, rather than just physically? Hiding toys, scattering his kibble around the garden, teach him new commands etc will all help to to give him something else to think about.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Bennets4

    Bennets4 Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2014
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy!

    Thanks Chloe :) me and my husband played hide and seek with him tonight and he loved it running around trying to find us and no biting incidents so chase will have to be a thing of the past! Really appreciate everyone's advice xx he's fast asleep butter wouldn't melt!
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    [quote author=Bennets4 link=topic=5326.msg66989#msg66989 date=1396975200]

    I've tried shouting 'no bite' and also tried water spray which he thinks is hilarious and just makes him more crazy. I really don't know what else to do! I'd hate to think this was aggressive, it feels like it more frustration and him wanting attention and I don't know how to stop it.

    Hi there - he sounds just like my boy! (Although we didn't have massive biting problems). It's quite possible to turn a hose, full blast, on Charlie and his reaction is "Water fight!!! Bring it on!". I'm sure I could scream at him until I'm blue in the face (not that I've tried) and he'd say "whatever, are we playing or what?".

    The only thing that works is to safely hold/confine him, wait for him to relax or do something instead, then reward - with gooood treats. Having him hungry for the treats helps no end!

    Best of luck! And he looks beautiful!
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    There is a handler at our dog club who, after an obedience test, rewards her dog with a blast in the face from a Super Soaker water gun. He loves it. So, it's not a deterrent for many dogs.

    I think that controlled games in the house are a good idea - just intersperse small bouts of playing with quiet time where he's rewarded with a stream of treats for lying down on the ground quietly. That'll help him learn to calm down and also that calming down can be very rewarding.

    Do you have a small room where you can put him for time-outs (just 30 seconds) when he gets too crazy? Maybe a laundry or similar? Bathroom?

    With your patience and guidance he will improve hugely over time :)
  9. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Hang in there, I'm sure this is quite normal! I'm a new puppy owner too, our boy Pongo is four months and pretty good now, but I am fully expecting him to turn into a monster when he hits adolescence in a few weeks time. This forum is wonderful, lots of really sensible advice and (even better) reassurance.... Keep it bookmarked, keep coming back here for a shoulder to cry on!
    Your boy is really lovely - looks just like Pongo (yes, butter wouldn't melt!). I have decided that the most peaceful sound in the entire world is a puppy snoring.
  10. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Hello and welcome! Personally I think an hour's careful exercise is fine for a five month old puppy, as long as most of it is off the lead. He sounds a bit pent up to me - not aggressive at all, just really desperate to play! As already said, quiet games in the house (or garden, if you have one) will really help, especially ones where he has to use his brain, such as 'find the toy' or 'find the treat'. Don't worry, you'll get through this, and don't hesitate to come back on here with any questions!

    He's a beauty, by the way (but you know that anyway… ;) )
  11. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    By the way, we've just discovered the joys of a Kong. We've quite a small kong. Stuff it full of anything edible (we use leftover veg and scraps from roast dinner, soaked in a bit of gravy), freeze it (this is important, keeps it tidy and makes it last longer) and give it to him when you need a break. Guaranteed 60 minutes of peace and very happy puppy, and it definitely tires out his little brain too - it's a real challenge to get all that lovely stuff out!

    You do need to cut down his normal meals just a little bit to avoid over-feeding.

    Rosie and Pongo
  12. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Oh yes! We have four, so that there's always a frozen one to hand :)

    I find the red ones the best.
  13. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Poor you. You are doing your very best for this creature you have taken into your home and all he is giving you back is aggro. Why should you like it?

    There is a tremendous quandary facing puppy owners when it comes to exercise. On one hand we are told to look after their little joints and limit their exercise and on the other we are supposed to to be offering them as many new experiences as possible. These two aims are not compatible.

    However, we do need to tire our pups out so we can get a bit of peace. I make Molly work for her food. Treat balls, Buster Cubes, Kongs etc all give her something to do both mentally and physically.

    Six weeks ago I was at the stage you are at now. My pup was SO mouthy that my hands were a mass of little red marks and scabs. I despaired of her. I got a pup to love and cherish and I didn't dare stroke her for getting munched on yet again. This has now stopped and I take great joy in stroking her and fondling her ears.

    We are just 6 weeks ahead of you. I hope this gives you heart.

    Now I enter a plea for Barkly. He has already had the disruption of being rehomed once in his young life, no wonder he is playing up. And, you, the brave people who took him on are bearing the brunt of it. Totally unfair.
  14. sussex

    sussex Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    i also got my lab when she was 6months old and have had all sorts of problems she is really bad at night we dont get a full nights sleep but i have certainly found more exercise helps if you let him off lead then you should find he will slow down when hes had enough mine does she just trots along near me he is at an age where you need to let him off as you can also practise recall
  15. SteveF

    SteveF Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2014
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    I've found that with Murphy mental stimulation tires him out really quickly, more than a 30 minute walk. As others have suggested try games and some challenging training. Steve.
  16. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Please help! I've almost had it :( 5 month lab driving me crazy

    Just popping on to,say hi,you have had great advice already,Dexter is our first dog so I'm experience poor I'm afraid.hes a lovely looking pup x

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