How to add treats into her daily food allowance !!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Carebear32, May 6, 2014.

  1. Carebear32

    Carebear32 Registered Users

    Feb 23, 2014
    Hi all.

    I have a few questions. Izzy can have 240g of food for aday it's spilt into 4 meals 60g at each sitting ! So her treats through the day. How to do a add that in ?

    Also giving her a new treat would that leave her poo quite soft ?

    Okay toilet training ! Would it be okay to give her a treat when she does her business outside or is praise enough ? She just doesn't seem to be getting it at all ? Or am I expecting to much she is 11 weeks tomorrow. She is making no effort to let us know she needs to go at all.

    Walking. So the 5 min rule. So say she can go out for 15 mins. Is that once a day or twice ?? And off lead is not counted in that time am I right. Also crying while walking on the lead is that normal ??

    Thank you xxxx if you managed to get this far.
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: How to add treats into her daily food allowance !!

    Hi Claire,

    I would take 10g away from each meal to use as treats. This will help keep her weight down.

    A new treat might give her soft poos, but so would over feeding.

    I used to go outside with Harley on a regular basis (every half hour to start with, slowly increasing every couple of days) and every time she had a wee or poo I would say 'good wee wee/poo poo' as she was doing it, then treat and fuss as soon as she had finished. She soon got it.

    The 5 min per month is only a guideline. If you are on pavement I would keep to this as much as possible, but off lead on grass for example is t included. I started by walking Harley to the park (5-10 mins each way) and approx 30 mins off lead. This has now increased (she is 9 months old) and when off lead we can be out for an hour or two, on lead for a max of 15 mins each way.

    Hope all this helps. It is overwhelming when you first get a pup, but it will all seem normal soon x
  3. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: How to add treats into her daily food allowance !!

    I'm a new puppy owner too - our boy Pongo is 21 weeks now and he came to us when he was 9 weeks, so I've been through all the same questions!

    On treats: we tended just to feed him treats through the day, but we were confident he was getting lots of exercise (see below) so we weren't too worried about controlling his food intake. If you are worried, then measure out all her food for the day and add a handful of treats; then feed her that. If you run out of treats you can use bit of kibble from her daily ration as treats.

    Rewards for going outside - YES! Pongo always gets a treat (small piece of kibble) every time he has a pee or a dump outside. Plus lots of praise. The little scamp soon figured this out and I swear would save up his pee so that he would have lots of little dribbles to get lots of treats rather than 'wasting' it all in one go.... but this all went to help him learn bladder control so all worthwhile! And he started going outside and 'pretending' to go (squatting and looking very earnest at me). But I didn't fall for that one... ;D.

    It took Pongo until about 11 - 12 weeks to really 'get' it; and even now he is not good at asking us to let him out (we still need to watch him in case he wanders purposefully over to the door....). But at 20 weeks his bladder control became really good so we are not nervous about him any more (at last!!!)

    I think the five minute rule is: five minutes per month of age, plus five minutes; and that it can be twice a day. But I believe this only really applies to walks where the puppy can't rest whenever they want - that is, when they are on a lead. And especially on hard surfaces. But I'm not a good person to advise on this because Pongo spends most of his time off-lead on his walks, and our garden is ridiculously hilly so he bounces around all over the place....I was really worried he was over-exercising but he seems so happy on it that I'm just letting him enjoy himself, and it doesn't seem to be doing any harm!

    I can't advise about crying on the lead because Pongo doesn't do a lot of lead walking (he is not very good at it, what a surprise). But I'm sure that lots of other lovely people on this forum will advise!

    Enjoy your puppy, and let us know how you get on. You are going to have a wonderful time (although as you'll see from posts on this forum you will also be tearing your hair out a fair amount in the early days.... just let off steam here, everyone is very happy to help!)

    Rosie (and Pongo)
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: How to add treats into her daily food allowance !!

    Hi there our Meg is 12 weeks tomorrow. I have always said "go for a wee" and given her one kibble..she now goes on command and rushes to me to get her treat. All her treats are taken away from food allowance. Generally the penny has dropped with toilet training. I do have to helicopter round her after a big drink, but she is starting to ask to go out. I am convinced she barked to go out today. She had her first outing today she was not bothered by the lead, too many interesting things going on. Sounds like you are going in The right direction, they all take their own time but usually get there in the end. Enjoy her, such a fun age :)
  5. Carebear32

    Carebear32 Registered Users

    Feb 23, 2014
    Re: How to add treats into her daily food allowance !!

    Thanks ladies.

    I am going to try the treats with izzy for the wees and poos and see if it helps her get it !

    We are doing off lead walks too as we live beside the beach and she loves it. Couldn't believe how close she stayed to us. But I also like to bring her to collect my daughter from school which is on lead. I timed it today and it is exactly 16 mins all together. So it's good to know we can do this twice a day along with off lead.

    It really is a minefield with knowing what to do with them. But getting out and about with her makes it alot easier.

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