Puppy in car

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Yvonne, May 11, 2014.

  1. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Hello All, I have a 9 week old puppy and want him with me in the car but he whines and is very uncomfortable. I tried crating him....he hates it. Tried putting him in back seat on a towel with several of his toys...no-go. Today tried him in front seat on a towel with several toys and ditto. He seems a bit scared, dont know if it is the movement of the car, the confinement, not having been in a car much at all. Maybe he feels unsafe? I just wonder if it makes him dizzy. Does any one have advice, please, because I want him to be with me when I go places. I DO have a car harness, but have not used it.
  2. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Re: Puppy in car

    I don't think it's unusual for young pups to whine a bit in cars. Holly did for her first few weeks, and Cocoa took a little while to get used to the car. For the first few journeys my OH would travel in the back with the dog. In both cases we made a point of having something familiar, a toy or blanket, in the back with them. We also did short journeys of five minutes around the block just to get them used to the sensations.

    After a little while Cocoa would just lie down and fall asleep during car journeys. Holly is a different character - she leaps into the car and sits up to watch the world going by. Sometimes we see people in the car behind waving at her :)
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Tatze screamed and cried and whined and did scared sloppy poos in the car at that age - she HATED it!

    I found it best to use a small crate (the 'sky box' kind with solid sides) and take her short 2 to 5 min drives twice a day. Within two weeks she was fine and looking forward to car rides as we always went somewhere nice :)
  4. Carebear32

    Carebear32 Registered Users

    Feb 23, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Our first time with izzy was a 5 hour journey ! She did great. But I would say to see if some one else can sit with pup in the car and see if that helps.
  5. LovelyLittleLola

    LovelyLittleLola Registered Users

    Mar 8, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Lola cried quite a bit when we did our first 7 or 8 trips in the car. I think it was the sound and vibrations that worried her. I started by sitting in the back with her, then in the front with her on my knee then alone in the boot. She loves the car now cause it means either a special walk or a trip to my mum's so she can see Jack (my mum's 2 year old Jack Russell).
  6. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Go out often for short trips with something nice at the end. Ignore when in the car. He will soon settle and realise car=walkies !!
  7. Debs

    Debs Registered Users

    Mar 2, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Hi Yvonne, Maisie (10 weeks tomorrow) was whining and crying a lot in the car, especially in her crate, but over the last week the whining has got less and yesterday we managed only a small little whine. Hopefully your pup will start to get used to the car very soon. :)
  8. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Puppy in car

    I had quite a lot of problems with Harley for the few few months in the car. I used Adaptil - sprayed it on a blanket in the car half hour before we went out....it worked for us. Occasionally she still gets a bit whinny, but generally is really good now :)
  9. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Re: Puppy in car

    Pongo hated the car for his first few trips (including his rather long and scary one from the breeder's to his new home). He now begs to be allowed to get in the car, please please please?

    I think three things solved it: First, we put a bit of his favourite vetbed in the boot (hatchback) of my car, and took him on a few short (10 minute) trips - and every trip we gave him a fantastic treat - e.g. a whole beef strip - to chew on as soon as he was in the boot, and also at the end of the journey. Sometimes we hid a few little treats under the vetbed too, to keep him amused during the trip.

    Second, on the first few trips I sat in the back seat with my hand over into the hatchback so he could feel me stroking him and know it was OK. Only did that for couple of trips though.

    But I think the main thing was he grew bigger - became heavy enough so he wasn't being shaken around so much, strong enough so he could stay sat upright round the curves, and tall enough so he could see out a bit.

    Now, as I say, he can't wait to get in the car (he is 22 weeks now). He still whines a bit but that is more frustration and excitement than distress (he knows the car usually takes him somewhere interesting and he wants to get there faster). The longest trip we have taken him on was just under two hours - he did get a bit thirsty by the end - it was a hot day - so I wouldn't do that again without some water for him. But he didn't mind the journey itself at all.

    So - I'd suggest just getting your little girl to associate the car with big treats and comfort, and wait for her to bulk up a bit!

  10. teapot57

    teapot57 Registered Users

    Mar 30, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Albert is now 13 weeks and is no problem in the car, but he is in a crate. When we bought him back from the breeder it was an hour plus drive and he was on OH's lap. Although he was very good he was a fidget and wanted to get down etc. The second time ( 2 days later) we put him in a large box on the back seat, and all he wanted to do was climb out of it. As I didn't think he was big enough to go in the boot (hatchback) on his own I bought another crate as his house one is too big. Money well spent. He whined the first time for about 10 mins, and OH was sat in the back talking to him etc. The next time the whining was less. And by the 4th time, with OH in the front, he just went to sleep!

    I would ignore the crying in the crate and persevere with it, as you know he is safe, and can't distract you. Give him a few treats, and familiar bedding, and it won't take long. Is he crated in the house? If he is then it won't take too long to get familiar with it, and as soon as he can go out and about he will know that good things come!! The whining is just his little protest, he will soon learn. Then when he is big enough the boot shouldn't be an issue as he will be used to the car. (Well that's what I'm hoping will happen with Albert lol!)

    Good luck
  11. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Mine was a screecher in the car too. As others have said, I did very short trips every day with something nice at the end - like a run in the park. Molly is fine in the car now.
    I would either put your pup in a crate or use a harness as it could be very dangerous if she jumped on you.
  12. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Puppy in car

    Penny really hated the car to begin with. She was so tiny I was worried about her so I had a small crate that fitted in my boot and padded it out with a big blanket - rolled it up the sides too so if she got shaken about it wouldn't hurt.

    Dogs have to learn how to ride in cars, they have to find their balance and it can take a while. I used to take Penny on a short car journey almost every other day, even if it was just a drive around the block. I think being padded in the crate helped as if she got rolled over she wouldn't go far.

    When she got too big for the crate we bought a dog guard and had her loose in the boot with her blanket. As soon as she was big enough to see out of the window she was fine. I think she almost feels like the boot is like her crate now because as soon as she gets in and I shut the door she just lies down and goes to sleep.
  13. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Puppy in car

    Same here Riley hated it!

    We did loads of getting in for treats and no traveling, short trips to nice places, us in the back treating for quiet. In the end he just had to get over it (and I am a complete softie believe me!) and he's traveled well since he did. He was much happier as soon as he could see out a little bit so I wonder if the motion without anything to give visual context was making him uncomfortable.

    We crated him, then went to dog guard and have since gone back to a crate for his safety.
  14. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Re: Puppy in car

    Thanks to ALL for your wonderful advice. Today I fed him in the car (stopped) and he seemed fine on the way back. Was a short trip....just up the road a bit so I could park the car and put his bowl down. Will keep trying with treats, also. All your suggestions are great. And will just keep trying until he gets over it.
    Thanks again.
  15. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Puppy in car

    [quote author=Joy link=topic=5891.msg76257#msg76257 date=1399840681]
    I would either put your pup in a crate or use a harness as it could be very dangerous if she jumped on you.

    Good advice :) In an accident it doesn't take much to send an unrestrained dog flying through the windscreen, unfortunately. If you use a crate make sure it is anchored to the car. If you use a harness make sure it has actually passed independent crash tests (usually the clips are the weak point).
  16. Indy

    Indy Registered Users

    Jan 2, 2014
    Re: Puppy in car

    Indie was a whiner the car when we first had her and she was also sick on several occasions :p
    When she was very small, we carried her during trips but this is not always convienent.
    With having 3 dogs we have a purpose made dog box (Trans k9) for the back of the LR, she was introduced to this with one of the other dogs.
    She has been fine since and happily jumps in to get her place in the dog box.

    I worry about dogs being transported in the back of cars without some sort of harness or box, dogs have survived an accident in the car and the impact has caused the boot/tailgate to open and the dog has jumped out only to be run over.!!!

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