Do any of you take your puppies / dogs to the vet for 'check-ups', even if they are not ill? We registered Pongo at the vet when we first got him, and he was given his vaccinations and microchip. That was three months ago. I was just wondering whether as a growing puppy it would be normal to take him back for check-ups, or whether it's normal to only go to the vet when something goes wrong. What do you do? Rosie (and a healthy Pongo)
Re: Vet 'check-ups' Hi Rosie, Meg is 14 now but when she was a puppy we used to take her back to our vet every 3 months. Think we did it until she was about 18 months. We did this as vet wanted to keep an eye on her weight, development etc. The good news was he never charged us. He was a fantastic vet. After that it just used to be yearly checkup with her vaccinations unless we were concerned about her.
Re: Vet 'check-ups' My Vet runs a 1st year worming service as part of intro pack so she's been back once more since her vaccination/chipping to get her tablet/weight, will be taking her back in about 5weeks to get another tablet and have her weighed again. I think she's ok weight wise by the suggested "eye test" but nice to have that re-assurance with a quick pop to the vets. Also even if i didn't have that they did suggest popping in to get her weighed if needed as that doesn't require the vet or a appointment - would there be anything more than his weight you'd want checked out? if not your Vet may do the same.
Re: Vet 'check-ups' I think it's a good idea to pop into the vet's every now and then, when there is nothing actually wrong with your pup, if your vet will allow this. The puppy then doesn't just associate the vet's with having inoculations, or having his glands squeezed, or pills shoved down his throat or other unpleasant things , but also thinks it's a nice place with cuddles and treats.
Re: Vet 'check-ups' i took romeo a few times when it was just a 'visit' so he wouldnt be fearful when we had to go for illness or whatever. yeah... that worked out well.......