The first few nights with your pup.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Boogie, May 13, 2014.

  1. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    How did the first few nights with your new pup go - and what did you do?

    We were lucky with Tatze, she settled in her crate downstairs immediately and I set the alarm for 3am but after a couple of nights couldn't wake her - so she slept 'till the 5am wee and then snoozed 'till breakfast at 7am.

    When the guide dog pup comes s/he will not be allowed upstairs - which is fine as Tatze isn't either. But the chances of him/her settling as quickly as Tatze are pretty small.

    My brother stays two nights a week and gets up really early - she doesn't stir at all (she's in the utility room and he doesn't go in there) So I am hoping to do night time/early morning wees with the pup without disturbing Tatze at all.

    I think I will set up a bed next to his/her crate for the first few nights since s/he can't be upstairs - what do you think?

    (S/he can't be in the same room as Tatze as the pup leaves you at 12-14 months and must be used to sleeping alone)
  2. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    Is it yourselves who don't want the guide dog pup upstairs or is it guide dog rules? I understand how they have to get used to sleeping alone but surely the first couple of nights aren't going to matter hugely? F you go by the method of having the pup sleep in your room and then move it further away to where you eventually want it to sleep - it's still learning to sleep alone.

    Our first week with Penny was awful. We didn't get much sleep at all as I was of the mindset to shut her in the crate in the kitchen and let her cry it out. She had to get used to being left pretty quickly as I only took 3 days off work and then a further 3 half days to settle her in.
    In hindsight I think I should have put her in our room by our bed and moved her away gradually. It's certainly what I'll think of doing when we get another pup.
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    I had Sam at my side of the bed, on the floor in his bed , he went to bed when I did and slept until about 5 a.m. He stayed in the bedroom for about two weeks until he decided himself that he was a big boy and chose to stay in the sitting room in his bed .
    All my other pups have cried a little at night , Sam didnt ever cry , but then he is a funny one , a serious little chap even then :)
  4. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    We set Holly's bed in the kitchen so she was close to the back door on an easily cleaned floor.

    The first two nights we took it in turns to sleep in the kitchen on a camp bed with Holly. On the third night we moved the camp bed outside the kitchen, but she could still see us through the dog gate. On the fourth night we moved it out of sight so she could still hear and smell us. On the fifth night we left her on her own.

    We didn't have a whimper from her.
  5. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    Being a softie, I'd say yes sleep downstairs with her for a few nights, as you're not allowed to take her up with you. After all if you leave her to cry she could well disturb Tatze too. I think once they're used to being left alone for a short while by day, they can cope more easily at night.
  6. chris

    chris Registered Users

    Apr 14, 2014
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    originally bruce was sleeping in a big cardboard box by our bed. Second night he was ok in it and fell asleep. Last night he realised that if he flung himself at the side of the box with enough force he could propel himself out after his little head had popped up a few times like a puppy jack in the box!

    even after ignoring him he managed to propel himself to freedom and was let loose on the bedroom floor. being nearly midnight if he had laid down on the floor i would problem have left him to it but he started to try and jump up on the bed


    feeling like he felt comfortable enough in the house to make himself at home in the bedroom i took him down to the kitchen and placed him in his bed and then shut the door

    I waited for the hollowing and for him to do his eurovision song contest audition again but all credit to him he actually didn't make a peep. I even sat down in the lounge with the tv on for an hour incase he got too loud and mouthy

    now tonight might be a different story!
  7. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    To start with Harley was in her crate in the living room. I would lie next to the crate til she settled then pull the cover over the crate. She woke up usually around 4/5am, then settled back down til about 6.30/7am. She stayed doing this til she was poorly at 12 weeks old and ended up with us on her bed next to our she generally sleeps on our bed, but will occasionally sleep on her bed :)
  8. gad

    gad Guest

    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    I'm surrounded by complete softies! Can I come and stay with you?
  9. Aburns

    Aburns Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2014
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    I feel like a big meanie now after reading the replies!

    My pup has so far always slept in her own crate in the basement spare room that connects to the backyard.

    I chose this because I have young children who sleep with me and in the end I didn't want them to be woken up it distracted by a whining pup or when I woke up to let pup out to pee.

    Unexpectedly, puppy has had zero issues sleeping in her crate and going back in her crate after the middle of the night waking. She goes right in and lays down. I put her to bed around 10-10:30 and started with a 4 hour long stretch, I've used a baby monitor to listen and watch her in the night so if she fussed or cried out Id hear her. So far, she's doing exceptional and zero accidents. I've gradually stretched it out a bit longer because she's been hard to wake up. I think I got lucky with this one!
  10. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    [quote author=gad link=topic=5941.msg76895#msg76895 date=1400001355]
    I'm surrounded by complete softies! Can I come and stay with you?
    He He - was kind of thinking the same....we are all suckers for a soft cuddly pup ;)
  11. cheddar-caveman

    cheddar-caveman Registered Users

    Jan 30, 2014
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    For some reason I decided to spend the first night with Mella, on the floor in the kitchen. Neither of us got much sleep as she kept climbing all over me! Second night, put her in her bed around 10:30, closed the door and not a peep! I slept until 7:30, went down, no mess, nothing and it's been the same ever since! Did I waste a good night's sleep ;D
  12. Nicmorris

    Nicmorris Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    When we got our first lab pup 14 years ago we popped her in the kitchen about midnight on the first night and she cried and cried for about 3 hours until I couldn't take it anymore I then let her sleep with us ( in our bed) and I had to wake her at 7am for her breakfast!!
    I have to say this was all good until she was about 6 months and she grew to be the size of an elephant that we had to relegate her to the kitchen, She wasn't best pleased!
    It's safe to say I will be NOT be doing that again we have decided to sleep next to her crate for a few days to settle her and then leave her to sleep alone.
    I will be stronger this time round!!! :eek:
  13. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    Got him as comfy as I could in "his" room / pen - we played, cuddled, snoozed in there all day.

    Out for pee and poo at 11.30pm, tucked him up in a puppy bed, with vet bed smelling of mum, a cuddle toy we'd played with all day, a radio on, and newspapers at the far end of his pen.

    Not a peep out of him (or at least I didn't hear it).

    Got up at 5.30am to a single pee done neatly in the middle of his newspaper, and a snoring puppy who had to be roused for brekkie.
  14. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: The first few nights with your pup.

    [quote author=Penny+Me link=topic=5941.msg76834#msg76834 date=1399990526]
    Is it yourselves who don't want the guide dog pup upstairs or is it guide dog rules? I understand how they have to get used to sleeping alone but surely the first couple of nights aren't going to matter hugely?

    Yes - it's guide dog rules.

    But I think you are right, a couple of nights in my room won't really be breaking the rules if s/he is downstairs asap.

    The thing is, they provide the crate, but I would have to buy one for upstairs as carrying one down each morning isn't feasible - the bend in our stairs means it will have to be put down to get up there.

    Decisions, decisions.

    Sleep next to pup or buy an extra crate and 'bend' the rules?

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