Digby corners the cat.

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Sersi, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    As some of you may know my cat has made herself scarce since Digby arrived, or should I say scarcer as she was never really one for much company. Anyway, she will wander past him when she has to but very quickly and without stopping to pass the time of day. Over the weekend she wandered in the lounge late one evening, Digby was asleep and I'm not sure whether she just didn't see him or what but she came further in and very close to him. He woke up, moved toward her and for some unknown reason she decided to run off behind the curtain rather that back out the door???? Its a floor length one in front of a patio door, she disappeared in it, Digby followed and all we could see was a black tail sticking out wagging like mad. There was a miaow but a pretty normal one and no hissing or anything. I walked over and moved the curtain and she did a very quick walk back out of the room. Think Digby is most upset that she didn't stop to say hi but I'm guessing (not well versed in cat psychology) that as she didn't hiss at all she can't have been feeling particularly threatened, and surely she could have got back out of the curtain if she really wanted to - I'm taking it as a big step forward anyway. I also feel more confident that Digby would not hurt her - they were behind the curtain for long enough, Digby didn't make any move to touch her from what I could tell.

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