Another medical set back :/

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Meg13, May 28, 2014.

  1. Meg13

    Meg13 Registered Users

    May 15, 2014
    Haley is now 12.5 weeks old, has had a UTI, vaginitis, and what I think is a yeast infection in her ears. Tonight we were supposed to go to get her second round of shots, but I don't think that will be happening because when I came home from work at lunch she had had diarrhea in her crate (and rolled in it, of course haha) I called the vet to see if we should bother coming for the shot and they said she likely won't be able to get it tonight because of that but she should come in to sort out her ears and the diarrhea.
    Shes had loose-ish stools from the day we got her, it looked like it was firming up after the first week, but then it went loose-ish again... she was on antibiotics for her UTI so I assumed it was because of that. She finished the antibiotics this past Saturday and there has been no change (it is formed when it hits the ground, but when I go to pick it up it is mushy.) Today the diarrhea was a pudding like consistency. She has her usual amount of energy, she hasn't lost her appetite and has been her normal amount of water. Luckily so far she hasn't had major issues, but I am worried about her...this seems like a lot to go through in only 4.5 weeks :(
    I also worry about having to wait an extra week for her shot...the vet said if she has to go on antibiotics for her poo then she cant have the needle tonight because it is far too much for her to handle both at once

    I don't really know what I am looking for by posting this...I just feel drained. I worry about her, I just want her to be happy and healthy...we have the happy part covered. We have yet to go a full week without something medically-related popping up :/
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Hi, I was in the same position as you a few months back so understand where you are coming from :'( From the age of 12 weeks until 7 months old, Harley suffered with diarrhoea, blood in stools, clumps of blood being passed. We had so many set backs. Every time we put her on chicken and rice it all cleared up, when we slowly introduced her food it flared up again. It was such a difficult time for all of us. After lots of tests we found out she is wheat intollerant.....we changed her food to Bob and Lush a few months ago (no wheat, cereals, fillers), she has thrived and put on weight, it's been like having a different dog. All through everything she carried on eating, drinking and being playful, but she was loosing weight, had to miss worming/flea tabs etc and it put a huge strain on all of us.
    But, we have got there, she is a happy nearly 10 month old pup who makes me laugh every day. I don't know what I would do without her.
    Please be strong and you will get there. We are all here to help you in any way we can. Everyone on here was so supportive to me when I went through all of it, they really helped me emotionally xx
  3. Meg13

    Meg13 Registered Users

    May 15, 2014
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Thank you for your reply. I am glad Harley is doing better and you were able to sort it :)

    I can't wait to get to the vet to sort all of this out. Hopefully we will come out of it with a cause and a solution, and fingers crossed we can get her shot next week.
  4. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Lots of sympathy! It seemed to be one thing after another in Charlie's first most things sorted in the end though.

    I think my best tip is if you think you need to, go to a specialist rather than stick with a first opinion vet - it can be expensive in the short term, but much cheaper in the long run.

    I messed about for months with my vet dealing with a simple (but persistent) yeast ear infection. A dermatologist sorted it in no time.
  5. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Oh gosh that is a lot for you go through in a small amount of time. I can kind of understand what you're going through as we had a lot of trouble with recurring UTIs with a Penny from the time we got her until she was about 7 or 8 months old.

    The ongoing diarrhoea would be the thing I would want to get sorted pretty sharpish. If she's been like it on and off since you got her I would be looking at a dietary cause. Have you changed her food since you had her? What's she being fed on at the moment? I would be asking the vet for some treatment as it's been ongoing for so long.

    Don't worry too much about the vaccinations. It does mean that you won't be able to take her for proper walks, but as long as you keep up as much socialising as possible it shouldn't be too detrimental. There will come a point where the vet may say 'screw it, we need to vaccinate her so we'll do it anyway' and this is fine. Your vet knows what's best.
  6. Meg13

    Meg13 Registered Users

    May 15, 2014
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    We havent changed her food..the breeder was feeding her puppies Royal Canin Maxi Puppy so that is what we have been giving her

    since we have to go for the diarrhea tonight I am going to try to sort out her ears as well and if that doesn't work a trip to the specialist sounds like a good idea!

    I am fairly sure the UTI has cleared...sometimes when she goes outside to pee she squats two or three times (the first time being a full pee and the ones after being a few drops) but I think she may either be marking (if that makes sense?) or hoping for a treat as she gets one when she pees outside. She lasts all night without any accidents, and during the day she lasts the morning until I come home for lunch, and then from lunch until I get home from work without any accidents. There also haven't been too many accidents in the house lately...
  7. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Harley was on royal canin gastro for sensitive tummies, but had a really adverse effect on her. Might worth finding a wheat free diet and see if that improves the diarrhoea??
  8. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    We were similar in the first year, their immune systems take a while to develop (as I understand it) and it can make you feel like you're always at the vet :( you do all make it out the other side though and it will seem like a distant memory soon.

    Make friends with your vet and know it won't be forever :)
  9. Aburns

    Aburns Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2014
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    I'm so sorry to hear your puppy is having some medical problems. The first thing Id do is address the tummy, if she's having yeast my first thought would be her food.

    Has the vet mentioned having a fecal panel done? I had a Bernese pup with frequent loose stools and poop in the crate and we did quite a few fecal panels trying to figure it out. He ended up having giardia which was totally unexpected. We also tried quite a few different foods in a years time to try and find something that worked for his tummy. It was eye opening what dogs can be sensitive to. It was so upsetting to always be at the vet every few weeks trying to figure it all out, you can't truly relax and enjoy your puppy :(

    Best wishes that you can find a solution!

    Edited to add- I don't want to worry you about a possible parasite issue that's not my intentions, just saying by running a fecal panel we learned a lot about what was going on in his tummy.
  10. Meg13

    Meg13 Registered Users

    May 15, 2014
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    We are back from the vet and it went well! I took a stool sample from what she did when I got home from work. The vet said it didn't look too bad but he is going to run tests to check for parasites which are easy enough to treat. She was able to get her second round of shots. Her UTI has cleared up and for doesn't have an infection in her ears! We just need to monitor them but he said they look ok and when we go back in a month for her last round of shots he will check them again

    Massive sigh of relief! I am, for the first time since we have had her, completely relaxed :)
    Thank you all for your advice and support! I really appreciate it
  11. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Great news! ;D ;D ;D
  12. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Good to hear, Meg! Hopefully you will get the tummy issue sorted, I would definitely be looking at her diet in terms of possible allergies. It's amazing the difference the right food will make! :)
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    That is good news :) Glad you are feeling a lot more relaxed.
  14. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Glad you're feeling better Meg, persistent tummy troubles can be really disheartening to deal with.
  15. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    I'm glad everything went well at the vet.

    I would've said what you described wasn't bad or necessarily diarrhea. As others have said pups take awhile to build up immunity and it can take awhile for tummies to settle down after coming to a new home etc.

    My dogs had UTI and Haley would definitely not be able to last all night or all morning if she still had one. Although I know what a worry it is. I worried for months after it had cleared up.

    Hopefully everything will settle down now and you can enjoy your pup. :D
  16. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Hi Meg, pleased that things are a little brighter now :)
    I remember years ago , a Doctor friend telling me that his waiting room was often full of under 7 year old children who always seemed to be getting this and that infection, but that after around the age of 7 , he rarely saw them , so I guess the same applies to pups and young dogs .
  17. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Meg so glad you are feeling better today,they do worry you like mad.i have got experience of a dicky tummy 5-7 months.dex was on eukanuba puppy when he came to us at 5 months,his stools were very loose.I wanted to get him on to the same food that you have Haley on which we did gradually and there was no improvement.A nasty case of giardia muddied the waters but I finally got him well enough to change over to RC gastro-intestinal puppy.apart from him eating something disgusting on a walk or snaffling something that isn't on his very strict menu he is very stable now so in our case it wasn't an allergy,it is just a sensitive tummy and I have to be careful with what he consumes
    Best wishes
  18. Meg13

    Meg13 Registered Users

    May 15, 2014
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Thanks everyone :)

    I should hear back from the vet today with the test results from the sample and we will go from there. if it is a parasite we will get that cleared up and hopefully it solves the issue. If the troubles still persist I am going to look into changing up her food and maybe seeing a specialist to sort it.

    This is honestly the first day since we got her that I am actually relaxed about her! I just have the normal puppy stresses now and I am so happy! haha
  19. lablover

    lablover Registered Users

    Jan 26, 2014
    Re: Another medical set back :/

    Hi Meg, when my meg was a puppy she to had terrible diarrhea. Loads of trips to vets. samples of poo, nothing found. He suggested weetabix or redy brek and semi skimmed milk for breakfast and chicken or fish with kibble for other meals. Vet decided she had sensitive tummy so we had to try out different food for her. The one we found that she could tolerate was pedigree chum (not very good food now by all accounts) and then she went onto Arden Grange weight control when she was 8. Now at 14 she has fish4dogs small bite cos she went completely off large bite kibble. I can't give her sardines or anything like that it just upsets her tummy.

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