Im puzzled

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Trishad3397, Jun 4, 2014.

  1. Trishad3397

    Trishad3397 Registered Users

    Oct 29, 2013
    Scout as you know is a fussy eater, she will eat maybe a 3rd of her daily allowance, her breakfast will often still be there on an evening. Scout is my dog, no one else in the house really sees to her, I feed, walk, wash and play with Scout almost solely.
    Scout has been that fussy lately that I have had to start hand feeding her, I give her her first few mouth fulls, then she starts to take a few bits of kibble herself and then takes them to another part of the room where she eats them, then eventually she goes to her bowl and eats. {Scout has been to vets and she is healthy, vet says she is going through a stage}. She is often quite restless and will pace around the room more so on an evening, If I move in the house she is my constant shadow.
    What is puzzling is that I have been on holiday for a week and while I have been away she has ate every meal, every day, and even gone back for more, my Partner says she has been the perfect dog, all settled on an evening and no pacing and circling the room.

    What am I doing wrong? :-[
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Im puzzled

    Hmm...maybe she does some of these things because it's a habit between you?

    Perhaps if you put her bowl down and ignore her (perhaps it might take 2 or 3 meals) she'll just eat.

    [quote author=Trishad3397 link=topic=6424.msg85228#msg85228 date=1401902978]
    She is often quite restless and will pace around the room more so on an evening

    My boy does this with my OH. Charlie moves, OH looks at him and says "hello pup!" and so on. Charlie wants attention and gets it by moving. I spend my evening saying through gritted teeth: ignore-the-dog! Eventually, OH does, and Charlie lies down and goes to sleep. ::)
  3. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Im puzzled

    It does sound like its a behaviour that has developed only between the two of you.

    Hand feeding is a terrible habit to get into as it is so hard to break. It's possible she ate normally while you were away because she knew she couldn't manipulate the others in the household like she does with you, they won't give in to her?
    I agree with leaving her food down and letting her eat it herself. She won't starve herself but it may take a couple of days for her to figure out that you won't feed her anymore and she has to eat for herself.
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Im puzzled

    She is behaving like this, because she can and because you allow her to , its become a set pattern that was broken whilst you were away, she simply had to adapt and she did, no doubt quite happily too :)
  5. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Im puzzled

    It probably explains why Penny is a total angel for my mum when she's looked after her, and them with me she falls back into old habits lol
  6. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Im puzzled

    Quite likely so , they arent daft :) :)
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: Im puzzled

    Sounds just like a child. They behave totally differently at nursery than at home. I think its quite common, even with dogs :)
  8. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Im puzzled

    [quote author=Edp link=topic=6424.msg85282#msg85282 date=1401913037]
    Sounds just like a child. They behave totally differently at nursery than at home. I think its quite common, even with dogs :)

    Yup I sometimes feel a bit naughty when I draw parallels between my dog and my toddler but there are quite a few :eek:
  9. Trishad3397

    Trishad3397 Registered Users

    Oct 29, 2013
    Re: Im puzzled

    she did it again last night. As soon as I went to bed she went and ate her food. Its very strange.

    Im doinf what you have all suggested. Ignoring her and stop hand feeding her.
  10. jaspersdad

    jaspersdad Registered Users

    May 10, 2014
    Re: Im puzzled

    [quote author=bbrown link=topic=6424.msg85383#msg85383 date=1401954272]
    [quote author=Edp link=topic=6424.msg85282#msg85282 date=1401913037]
    Sounds just like a child. They behave totally differently at nursery than at home. I think its quite common, even with dogs :)

    Yup I sometimes feel a bit naughty when I draw parallels between my dog and my toddler but there are quite a few :eek:

    I've found a LOT of similarities with teaching / learning. Oddly enough the puppy often responds a lot faster than the kids, but it's amazing how much better behaved my 4y/o son is when I keep him busy using plenty of praise and strawberry tictacs!
  11. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Im puzzled

    Yup Lizzie understands trading now - you do this and I'll let you have/do that. It's getting easier now she's a little chatterbox although I might not have said that mid tantrum this morning over getting dressed!! Jim jams all day :eek: I don't think so ;D
  12. Missy33

    Missy33 Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2013
    Re: Im puzzled

    Reading this was like reading about myself and Chip! I even went down the line of changing his food to raw (which of course he wolf's down because its delicious). Although, what I did start doing was chastising myself for seeing him as my baby and not a dog. I wasn't doing him any favours at all. So, his dinner went down, he had 15 minutes I thought 5 was a bit harsh!) and if it wasn't gone after that it would be taken up, covered and re offered at the next meal time.
    Now I just need to work on leaving him home alone - I can't remember the last time I left the house without him, work, walks, popping to the shops, he is ALWAYS with me.
  13. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Im puzzled

    [quote author=Trishad3397 link=topic=6424.msg85397#msg85397 date=1401956600]
    she did it again last night. As soon as I went to bed she went and ate her food. Its very strange.

    I really sounds like she is confused. When you are there, she thinks something else is going to happen, other than she eats out of her bowl. Just put the bowl down, and leave the room perhaps? Work backwards from there.
  14. gad

    gad Guest

    Re: Im puzzled

    [quote author=kateincornwall link=topic=6424.msg85237#msg85237 date=1401905121]
    She is behaving like this, because she can and because you allow her to , its become a set pattern that was broken whilst you were away, she simply had to adapt and she did, no doubt quite happily too :)

    I'm with Kate here, she's playing you cause you're a softie :)
    Bowl down, walk away, come back and remove after 20 minutes, repeat every mealtime.
    Don't get distressed and give in - she won't hate you for it ;)

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