Nervous aggression I'm confused

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Jen, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Hi Crissie. My two don't limit themselves to men they don't like anyone strange touching them. I agree with everything karen has said. Don't let them touch milo. There's no need for anyone else to touch your dog. To be honest it's taken me awhile to accept this myself but it's true. Let milo choose. If he likes the look of a man he might choose to go to him but don't make him put yourself between milo and the monster man. Ask men to completely ignore milo. No eye contact, no talking to him.

    Direct eye contact, bending over a dog and a hand coming down on a dogs head are all dominant/aggressive signals and if you think about it that's how most people approach and greet a dog. The fact most dogs put up with it is quite amazing. A dog would never greet another dog in that way or they'd be asking for it.;)

    You could try watching milo for a calming signal next time a man is approaching. For example when someone is approaching us my dogs look at me. Milo might lick his lips, look away, sniff the ground. You can then reward that behaviour. Eventually that alternative behaviour will be what milo chooses to do when he sees a man. If possible when out walking and a man is approaching make sure milo has seen the man, given his calming signal then turn and walk away in another direction or cross the road and make more space. A dog would always choose flight over fight when faced with fear. Milo can't choose flight on lead but you can. This will help him learn that you will make the right decision to keep him safe and he should become less nervous as he starts to trust you.

    Sorry this is a bit rambling I hope it makes sense. Good luck and don't worry being nervous of men is not uncommon. :)
  2. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Yes, Rachael, I think you have nailed it!

    Try not to fixate on the label and move forward from here. You have done great work with your two so far, now continue to expose them to positive people experiences and they will continue to make strides. Some dogs are just vocal - I had an extremely vocal Border Collie that pretty much barked for any reason whatsoever, but he was not aggressive. He was a little wary of new people, especially when he was younger and especially males, but he wasn't aggressive.

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