What type of food do people recommend please!!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by lois, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    My Puppy is 6 months old I feed her on Pedigree Chum puppy dry food and Pedigree Chum puppy wet food in satchets, I am now feeding her twice a day morning and evening i feed her each meal 130grams of dried and half satchet of the wet do you think this is ok? Is there better food maybe i should try that doesnt cost the earth/
  2. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    If you're happy with it and she's doing well on it then don't worry about it. If not, then there are lots of varieties to try and of course there's always raw.

    My lot are Eukanuba girls (all grown up now though), with lots of added raw meat and fish, veggies and left overs, in other words typical dustbin Labradors :D. Having said that I'm not happy with the Eukanuba puppy food any more and our last pup was on Canin before transferring onto adult Eukanuba. Not cheap I know but bought in bulk (fortunately we have storage) it works out cheaper than canned / pouches and any many other kibbles.

  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    Hi Lois,
    Cheaper foods are not always more economical as they include more fillers and you may need to feed larger quantities. If your dog is happy and well on what you are feeding I would be tempted to stick with it.

  4. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    Hi Lois - I would love to know the answer to this.
    You get a different answer from everyone you ask - always a sign that there is no right answer.
    Pippa just squeezed her post in before me - what they look good on is the right food sounds like the best consensus.
    Most people will agree on avoiding coloured foods (e.g. Bakers!)

  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    Sounds like she is doing well on what you are feeding now. If you wanted to experiment a bit you could try adding some raw meaty bones (things like chicken wings, chicken frames, turkey wings, lamb necks or ribs) to her diet as they are great for keeping a dog's teeth in good condition. The act of slicing through the meat and bone has a teeth cleaning effect. You want to go for softish bones that your dog can chew up fairly easily (big, heavy bones can wear down teeth over time and so are best avoided IMO).

    There are a range of beliefs and practices out there in relation to diets of various kinds.... Some people swear by diets based on what they imagine ancestral wolves might have eaten (sometimes known as an evolutionary diet or a 'biologically appropriate raw food' or BARF diet). Some people go for a diet consisting almost entirely of raw meaty bones from a variety of animal species, including whole small animals. I know a guy who is a vegan and feeds his dog a vegan diet (I feel a bit uncomfortable about that kind of diet as I believe that a dog needs meat in some form, even if it's just in kibble, and I'm sure the dog would choose to have it if he could!!).

    We feed a pretty varied diet. It's mostly based on raw meat and veg (in the form of frozen patties that we buy, ie a commercial BARF diet) but meals might also be raw meaty bones, whole raw fish, tinned fish, leftover human dinner, bits of raw or cooked veg, cooked or raw eggs, a bit of human breakfast cereal, oven dried ends of bread loaves (doggy rusks), bits of fruit of various kinds....just about anything, really. For training treats he gets cheese cubes, ham cubes, roast chicken, dried liver, crispy bacon rind....the list goes on :)

    So, I'd say two things: (a) it can all be really confusing and (b) dogs can do very well on a lot of different diets. Pick what you can afford, what your dog likes and what she looks good on. If her coat is good, she's a good weight, if she has a normal doggy odour, and if she seems bright and energetic then you are doing the right things :) Don't worry too much about it and enjoy your dog.

    (edit to fix typo) :)
  6. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    I feed a similar diet to Kerryn . Sam has CSJ but reduced ammount because he also has heart , fish which is either fresh or tinned sardines , meaty bones ,raw eggs and veggies . He also has leftover rice which he loves, no real goodness in it except as a tummy filler :)
  7. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    Thanks for info..Took Poppy for her 6 month check yesterday and the vet was very happy with her,although the receptionist said i might need to changer her food to their more expensive recommendation...but the actual vet said she was doing well on what im giving her so thats what i will keep her on!!
    Is she still too young for bones? if not what sort and where best to get them from?
    Thanks :)
  8. smart_lab

    smart_lab Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    If your puppy don't have issue with her food, then you don't have to change it.
  9. NorfolkHomemadeMum

    NorfolkHomemadeMum Registered Users

    Jun 23, 2013
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    Oberon could you post a link to more info about the barf patties you feed your dog I'd like to have a read - thanks x
  10. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: What type of food do people recommend please!!

    Sure :) Unfortunately it's an Australian product (so not something you can buy in the UK) but you may well find that there are similar things made locally. They are frozen patties made up of a mix of raw ingredients. I am not at all wedded to the philosophy that underpins this product (that dogs should eat what ancestral wolves ate or some such thing) but I do like feeding a low preservative diet and these patties are that and are also very convenient. Though not as convenient as kibble because you have to remember to thaw them out. Anyway, here is the link :) http://www.barfaustralia.com/

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