8 week old Oscar keeps crying

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by oscar healey, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. oscar healey

    oscar healey Registered Users

    Jun 25, 2014
    hi all, i am a new labrador retriever owner, i have a puppy of 8 weeks old called oscar, now the first day home (tuesday) he kept crying and in the night and during the day, he kept our whole street up ;) which i was prepared for and yesterday he did it a little less last night he was put to bed about 10.30 (create) and he slept till mid night started to cry my husband got up and let him out he went to the toilet then went back to bed till 5 this morning with no crying ;D.
    Now i do have a little worry this morning he was fine no tears happy playing etc, then at 8,30 i have to take my eldest to school now i am only out the house for 20 mins (i have to do this 3 x a day 8.30, 12.25 and 3.15) i put him in his create to keep him safe but when i get back he then spends the next 1/2 hr crying and whining following me around he also was sick in his create.
    I not to sure if i am doing this all wrong or right, i don't want him to be scared when we go out he has toys to play with and a blanket to cuddle (he doesn't like anything soft to sleep on) i give him praise and a tit bit when he goes in so he knows that it is a nice place.
    when i return we can hear him crying. i put my bags down and put the kettle on then he gets let out. lots of praise for being a good boy, and my little boy takes him out and plays but oscar won't he just sits and cries at you. i have been ignoring him as all the books and past post have said. he is now asleep on the kitchen floor away from his create. i am really unsure of what to do i so don't want him to be unhappy we have waited 7 years for a dog and i am so scared that he will hate us for the leaving him.
    please can some one help to make oscar feel a little more safe when we leave him i also leave the radio on
    many thanks
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: 8 week old Oscar keeps crying

    Hi and welcome :)

    At the moment he's really confused about where he is and he doesn't know that you are his new people. He's just calling out for his mum and siblings.

    Your options are to just persist with what you're doing (the crying will diminish as he gradually bonds to you) or just make it easier on him by taking him with you rather than leaving him. In my book 20 minutes is a long time to suddenly leave him during the day. Ideally you'd gradually build up to that, having first worked on making the crate a fun and rewarding place to be while you're right there (so, treats and meals in the crate). Given at you have to be out to take care of your children, can you just take him with you? It'd be great socialisation to meet kids at the school gate. :)
  3. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: 8 week old Oscar keeps crying

    [​IMG] from a teeny tiny black 5 1/2 year old Lab known as The DivaDog

    and her pet human [​IMG]
  4. oscar healey

    oscar healey Registered Users

    Jun 25, 2014
    Re: 8 week old Oscar keeps crying

    thank you for the reply,
    i have thought about taking him with me, but i have to take the children in to the school and there is a no dog policy on the grounds :'( otherwise i would of done it is only a 5 min walk there and back and i near enough run home to get back but it is the waiting for the doors to open i have been leaving later and later each day putting it off. i know that it is sad to be left so soon but is what i am doing going to cause any lasting affects? or will he just get used to it (so to speak) it is only for the next 4 weeks till end of term and by then he will of had his jabs and be able to do the little walk to the gate (he is so heavy a proper chunk) and he can socialise because he would love it i know he would he loves being out side. and more people around him the happier he is.
    i have tried to attach a pic so you can see him but i can't seam to work out how.

    thank you again
  5. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: 8 week old Oscar keeps crying

    The being left isn't going to cause lasting harm as long as you work hard starting now on making it a positive thing - before you walk out the door give him a stuffed kong to eat whilst you're gone. When you return don't make a massive song and dance about greeting him or he will learn to look forward to your arrival and make more of a fuss.

    Whilst you are at home work on shutting him in the crate for small periods of time - literally 5 minutes or less to begin with and gradually build it up to longer. Make every experience with the crate a positive thing - put toys in there, feed his meals in there and when you shut him in make sure he's got a chew or a stuffed kong to distract him. Put little treats in there for him to discover on his own too.

    My pup didn't like the crate to begin with either but she just had to get used to it as I worked. I literally everything possible to make it as good for her as I could. Here's a list of things I did that you might want to try:
    1. Put an item of clothing that smells of you in the crate
    2. A hot water bottle for something to snuggle with
    3. A large soft toy to cuddle up with like he would with a littermate
    4. Leave a radio on classical music (studies have proven that classical music can help to reduce stress)
    5. Put a ticking clock near the crate (supposedly simulates mothers heartbeat)
    6. Use an adaptil plug in diffuser and/or collar (natural pheromones to help reduce stress levels and anxiety)

    I did all of these for Penny. I don't know if they actually helped or not but she did eventually get used to it.

    The crying should stop eventually as he bonds with you. He is confused as he's been taken away from his mum and siblings and put into this strange environment.
  6. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: 8 week old Oscar keeps crying

    Hello from Molly my nine month old Yellow Girl and me.

    Yes, it is horrible when they cry, but it is a massive change for them to be whipped away from everything that they know.

    Take comfort from the fact that you are doing the right thing. He will soon accept his new life.

    When they are little we dash to let them out because we are trying to toilet train them. I did the same at first. For some time now I have made a point of NOT rushing to her. In the morning I fill up the kettle, draw the curtains etc before going to her, she can hear me and knows what is going on, it only takes a couple of minutes but it teaches her to wait. When I come in from being out I put the shopping away for much the same reason.

    I hope I don't sound hard hearted, because I'm not. They need to cope on their own, if we rush to fulfil their every need it takes them longer.

    You have obviously spent a lot of time learning how to look after Oscar. You are doing OK don't worry.
  7. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: 8 week old Oscar keeps crying

    Totally agree with Tina, and she just reminded me of something else I was going say.

    When you do go to let him out of the crate make sure it's when he's quiet, otherwise he will learn that crying gets him released and he will do it more. With Penny I used to wait for a quiet moment and count to five. If she was quiet after five I would let her out, if not I would wait until she stopped again.

    Also I covered Penny's crate when she was in it and that seemed to help her settle. Especially if she was in it whilst we were in the house - if she could see what was going on she was more likely to make a fuss.

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