
Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by hd, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. hd

    hd Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2013

    i have a really heavy, incredibly warm coat that's been so good to walk the dog in over the winter.

    But now it's a smidge warmer, it's just too hot and i'm carrying it by the end which is a hassle.

    so now i'm looking for something waterproof, warm-ish and flexible so i don't need hundreds of different coats.

    i don't think i want something too expensive - i reckon £50 is my maximum as it just gets covered in mud. i've developed the theory that somerset is the muddiest county in England. Pockets are a must as i like to carry half the house with me.

    does anyone have any recommendations? I've been wondering about a softshell coat but i'm not sure what one of those is really as we're a bit out in the back of nowhere so i mostly shop by t'internet.
  2. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    Re: clothing

    Hi, I am permanently searching for the right coat and the perfect trousers to cope with the weather and the ground here on Exmoor. My favourite coat is by Harkila, a Scandinavian company making shooting and stalking clothing. The coat is warm without ever getting too warm and incredibly lightweight plus totally waterproof. The perfect coat if it wasn't so very expensive! I hardly dare to wear it when I'm out with the dogs which defeats the object. So I am still searching ... :D

    Whereabouts in Somerset are you?
  3. jade805

    jade805 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2013
    Re: clothing

    I just added another coat to my collection, my original waterproof coat was all ready covered in puppy mud. So I decided I "needed" a new one for when out in rain/mud without Amy. I just buy regetta ones but hubby says that not very good but they ok for me so far. ( not walked a dog for hours in the rain yet so time will tell). I ordered on line from regatta page selling last years stock.
  4. Sersi

    Sersi Registered Users

    Sep 19, 2012
    Re: clothing

    I know what you mean about getting a good coat and then dreading getting it dirty. I recently bought a Didriksons coat from my local outdoorsy shop - its wonderful and 100 % waterpoof, windproof and breathable and although I did flinch at the muddy smears to start with I just sponge it down now and try not to worry - this is why I bought it after all (although very very pricey). Hopefully it will last me for many years and dog walks to come.
    I also have a cheapo Peter Storm cagool I got from Millets yonks back. It can cope with around 1/2 hour of rain before starting to leak and is definitely not breathable (can get a bit sweaty).

    One idea. When I was a (much) younger, poorer student and attended the Glastonbury festival with my cheapo cagool and trousers I waterproofed them with the same stuff they sell to waterproof your tent - it was a spray, it seemed to work and it ALWAYS rained - what is it with Somerset???
  5. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: clothing

    I've ended up with a Peter Storm Performance jacket. It's waterproof for a full day in the field in driving rain and has a removeable liner, pockets with button down flaps etc.. It was about £70 and is mud green so doesn't stand out or show the muck. ;D
  6. heidrun

    heidrun Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Feb 10, 2012
    Re: clothing

    [quote author=Sersi link=topic=1405.msg9433#msg9433 date=1365927229]
    I know what you mean about getting a good coat and then dreading getting it dirty. I recently bought a Didriksons coat from my local outdoorsy shop - its wonderful and 100 % waterpoof, windproof and breathable and although I did flinch at the muddy smears to start with I just sponge it down now and try not to worry - this is why I bought it after all (although very very pricey). Hopefully it will last me for many years and dog walks to come.
    I also have a cheapo Peter Storm cagool I got from Millets yonks back. It can cope with around 1/2 hour of rain before starting to leak and is definitely not breathable (can get a bit sweaty).

    One idea. When I was a (much) younger, poorer student and attended the Glastonbury festival with my cheapo cagool and trousers I waterproofed them with the same stuff they sell to waterproof your tent - it was a spray, it seemed to work and it ALWAYS rained - what is it with Somerset???

    Nothing like the glorious weather and mud of Somerset!! ;D

    There is only one thing I find worse than a leaky coat and that is one that is not breathable. Had one of those last season out beating. It was not pleasant. I'd rather get drenched by the rain than have another 'boil in the bag' experience. :eek:
  7. Moorlands

    Moorlands Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2012
    Re: clothing

    I remember Peter Storm cagools, boil In the bag is an excellent description Heidrun. ;D

    For wet days I have an ancient Barbour, pockets are huge - regular reproofing means it doesn't leak but it is heavy. At the moment I have a lightweight RAB jacket which just gets hurled in the washer when it's muddy, I don't carry that much in the pockets, if I need a lot (dummy training or out all day etc) I have a big game bag or a rucksack and everything goes in there.
    I get jackets and fleeces from Cotswold Outdoor, just wait for the sales.

    I've also got a Musto, but like Heidrun's Harkila it's "too good" and "too expensive" for dog walking -why do we do it? It languishes in the cupboard.

  8. hd

    hd Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2013
    Re: clothing

    We're near Bruton.

    The mud is truly amazing but i love it round here so i'll put up with it.

    basically i accept that for £50 i can't have anything decent and i suspect i'm about to buy cheap and buy twice.

    i'd buy this

    but £200 seems an awful lot and it may weigh a tonne anyway.

    Difficult isn't it. Thanks for all the help. i'll let you know if i succeed or fail.

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