My son surprised me today by telling me that Molly knows the names of several of her toys. I was skeptical but he told her to go and fetch her hosepipe and she did. Now that can't be a word in many dogs' vocabulary! Do your dogs know the names of any outlandish objects?
Re: A dog's vocabulary Yes, they can learn the names of toys , my old GSD used to bring which ever one we asked him for, rarely made a mistake either Millie doesnt differentiate at all , apart from Ball , whereas Sam knows Teddy Legless , Lion , Safestix and best of all Dummy
Re: A dog's vocabulary This is quite a fun video of a border collie that knows a huge number of words
Re: A dog's vocabulary Benson understands Foxy, Squeaky and Monkey..he also knows Remy, Harvey and Sammi...the last three are cats, I think Benson classes them as toys though... :