Re: bloodcurdling howl... Yes! Charlie wants to start a boy band ;D ;D Clare
Re: Hip Dysplasia ... except this ranking could well still be skewed by the fact that it is only those dogs who have been presented for...
Re: Hip Dysplasia If you have a look at the drop down menu on the left, you can also find the stats for elbows. These are also broken down into...
Re: Pet Insurance Having paid insurance for two dogs for years and never having made a claim, I did seriously consider not getting insurance this...
Re: Hip Dysplasia The difficulty though will be that you cannot ascertain the number of completely healthy dogs, on whom no data is ever...
Re: Poorly boy Normal is good :D if not a little chewy... ;) Glad he's better, Clare
Re: Ducklings It's great, isn't it? OH looks at me strangely when I start trying to tell him how the ducklings are getting on, but the girls ask...
Re: They really will chew anything ! ;D ;D ;D You've trained her well. She's after the cash. Clare
Re: Recall issues I think you are very definitely right. We use five peeps. Last week I very nearly had a full blown argument with my mother...
Re: They really will chew anything ! Uh oh... It's not just the fact that they will chew anything, it's also their uncanny ability to pick the...
Re: bloodcurdling howl... ;D ;D ;D But don't you wish you knew what he was dreaming about??! Clare
Re: To heel or not to heel..... If you look at your regular routes, are there any bits that are particularly interesting, spots that Simba always...
Re: Cushings disease Hope the tablets do their job and that Meg is feeling better soon. Clare
Re: Marley / 10 weeks / another ? I think it's fine for her to be in the pen where she can see you when you can't actively watch her. This is...
Re: Hello and please say "hi" to Benson! Me neither, Christoph! Methinks the mods can see something we can't.. I can't see any puppy pictures :'(...
Re: Can dogs really tell the time? Did you watch the programme last night?? With the wonderful Chris Packham? If you didn't see it, it is worth...
Re: Recall issues Hmm, same as Helen, I would not repeat your recall whistle. I think you run the risk of doing more damage that way... if he...
Re: Looking for dog friendly Devon We used to live in Devon (Dartmoor), and the only thing I'd add if you're looking at the coast is to double...
Re: All my questions answered Brew would like to point out that she is not in fact shorter sitting down - merely impatient, hence the butt...
Re: All my questions answered It's not a great photo of either of them, but here they are... [img] Brew and Otta by CNJ34, on Flickr Brew's in...