For the last three afternoons in a row at about the same time we have had a visitor to our garden. He is a young Bedlington x who appears having...
Re: The Dreaded Ducks Are Back.... Major re-think as to where young Brodick will be going for his walk with me this week after his sleepover - we...
Re: Baldness I would certainly agree that virtually any animal with skin disease should have a couple of months of strict parasite control to...
Re: Baldness There are two forms of demodicosis, adult-onset (over 18 months of age) which is associated with immunosuppression and...
Re: Could a Labrador survive in the wild? They are a couple of softies! But seriously, both go shooting with me so are trained to retrieve birds...
Re: Could a Labrador survive in the wild? My two working line labs would starve without a shadow of doubt!
Re: Amazing story - WARNING contains distressing images I just don't understand why anyone, ever, could do this. Amazing he survived.
Re: Cocoa Remembered What a lovely girl. She looks serene as an adult, and very cute as a pup. Lovely memories for you.
Re: Dear Moderators Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Just changed my car to one that will allow me to have 3 dogs in the back....OH...
Re: Walking nicely passed barking dogs Getting there in leaps and bounds now, well done
Re: X-Rays For the scoring procedure the xrays are taken according to a standard protocol to get the appropriate view for the films to be scored...
Re: Tick season Sorry MMM I had promised to look this up for you before on the work computer and completely forgot! Apologies! I've just run a...
Re: Why is it ok for your dog to bite mine because mine is an intact male And after todays experience I think I could add the question of "Why...
Re: Tick season I have two cats in the house and am perfectly happy to use Advantix on my dogs. Permethrin (the bit in Advantix that makes it...
Re: A Little Off Lead Great news, it's exactly this sort of success you deserve and have trained for. Well done.
Re: Why is it ok for your dog to bite mine because mine is an intact male Another vote for Hibiscrub here. Hope he's OK after it.
Re: Todays mishaps :0( We see this sort of injury quite commonly and as everyone says it is usually trauma - this is essentially the underside of...
Re: 'Mega Plan' from our Trainer - Advice PLEASE Hmmm, pondered this for a bit. I think this trainer is worried that Charlie may suffer from...
Re: Project Puppy ;D ;D ;D
Re: Project Puppy Yes, it's why Project Puppy will be interesting as the show puppy will be trained to work by me in the same way as my current...