Re: Car anxiety The idea of doing short trips and going somewhere really aces with him sounds like great advice. That way, together with the...
Re: Car anxiety Do you not have room for a crate in the back? We have an exact replica of his house crate in the car. We even swapped the Vetbed...
Re: New additions to the household And bees!
Re: New additions to the household Don't forget about the Spaniels!!
Re: New additions to the household So it was a false alarm of sorts. Although the Flubenvet is obviously working as I found two dead roundworms...
Re: New additions to the household Ah that's interesting and really makes sense. It's one of the new Buffs who has just recently started laying....
Re: Off his food Yeah I agree and am pretty sure that's what it is. My own fault. The eggs alone were too much and I only gave them as I'd...
Re: Off his food Thanks for asking. He's completely normal in himself. Wasn't hugely fussed about lunch so I only gave him a few cubes but he...
Re: Obi spaniels training log Awesome. Something for us to aspire to :)
Re: Newbie :-) We will be expecting posts from you at some unGodly hour during the night then! ;)
Re: Newbie :-) No! I don't believe that for a second! I won't believe it! Look at those eyes! And the big soft paws!
Re: Newbie :-) need moar!!!!! And look how sweet he is! Not like my little hooligan!
Re: Newbie :-) Oh I want one NOW!!!
Re: How long before going out for a walk after second round of vaccinations? We were told two weeks, but left it a week. But we were careful...
Re: New additions to the household Thanks Kate. I add ACV to their water by default. And have especially added it since we added the Buffs and...
Re: New additions to the household Yeah I will, don't worry :) The ACV I just add by default as it's good for them generally, not to...
Re: New additions to the household I'll keep a close eye on the poos today. I'm wondering if I misinterpreted what I saw yesterday since...
Re: New additions to the household No evidence of anything nasty in any poos this morning, both inside the coop and outside. In this first...
Re: Blue tits Still going: [IMG]
Re: Off his food He's absolutely fine in himself. We've just been out for a play and a walk. He did a normal poo and then a pretty yukky one. I...