drjs@5 Thank you On another note Ziva goes toilet outside the front corner on grass at house but when I take her into village or today...
drjs@5 That's a fab idea mmm where could you get one of these ???? ebay Cheers
MaccieD lol lol lol thanks lol
Thanks very much :) :) I do have determination lol well mostly :) Can humans actually do this step away and ignore a puppy lol lol lol...
Snowbunny It is the hardest part of training so for I know she only been here 6 weeks and out for 3.5 lol but omg people can be so ignorant ....
Had two boys .when we looking for new puppy it just had to be a girl had such a good relationship with Clyde I could never have another black...
Glad to hear Maisie doing better, enjoy you'r live wire being out and about on small walks Marie & Ziva
Hi Labrador Friends Ziva is now 14 weeks been out and about in village good few but last couple weeks she still jumps up, however I think it's...
Ziva weighed in this morning at 9.9 kilo and she is 14 weeks .....3.1/2 months happy with that seems to be continuing with her 1 kilo a week...
Hi Guys Do you just mash up a banana and put in kong then freeze it for few hours .Can puppy have this ?? Cheers
Morning emilydillon I'v just gone threw worst crocopup stage in fact still am but It loads better :) the only way Ziva who is 13 weeks...
Poor boy get well soon Fred Hugs and Licks Marie & Ziva
Think I need top be trying these tips ......She stepped on something or just rolled in something ...when we go to village with Ziva Great...
Thanks :)
Thanks Guys Yes she sure was over excited full of energy then just ran straight to me and started humping my leg .....all Hubbie and I could...
Not sure what section to put in so I put it her ........... Ziva 13 weeks old today had just had whaky races then came running right up to my...
MaccieD & Julie T Thank you both will give it a go back n forth up drive way and see how wee go over next week will let you no :)
Oberon Thank you I have just been thinking about clicker
AnnaHainsworth Could I make a suggestion only because Ziva was like this when wee brought her home , took her to vets and had cellotape test...
stripeybelly Please don't br mad at me but for first time in weeks you have actually just made me laugh and :) as I though I was only person...