I completely agree with Julie I'm not happy with bella pulling and damaging her neck - she also coughs after she has pulled in the collar but I...
So it's not really a training issue but this seemed the most appropriate section .... I read the harness article and it got me thinking ......
Well done that's great!!!bella has got her bronze test on the 22nd aug ang her silver (provisionally booked) for september!
I will do thanks for that. She was brilliant tonight and the only dog from our class they want to enter next month, very proud of her!
Bella's doing her Bronze award test in August, she's doing really well and is able to lay down for over a minute now , we switched it from a sit...
Bella goes for wees and poops at 10pm and is ok then until 7-8 am. I slept in until 9 am last weekend and ran down in panic... She was fine!!! :)
Bella is 8.5 months and we've just moved house. She hadn't been in her crate before the move she had half the kitchen day and night and was great....
Well done ! Bella did too and we are doing bronze test in August :)
Thanks all She's not coughed Since this morning so will Keep vacuuming and keep an eye on her!!! Yes all Settled Thanks and Bella Likes her new...
She's been in Filey with my dad and Rosie the boxer last 5 days who is ok? - only started back on the dog walks yesterday - if it is that will it...
Bella has started with an occasional cough - usually when she has been asleep. The dog walker rang yesterday to say when she went to collect her...
Ps don't think Bella wants to move she is currently eating her way through packed boxes ...
We've had serious fall outs .... Had 2 quotes second one back came out at. £425 to replace living room carpet but landlord also wants stairs...
Julie where can I get the above from? I think I'm going to need to invest as the builders are still working right outside my kitchen window so I...
She's 8 months and it's an hour group free run / walk and hour either side for pick ups / drop offs and feeding, drying off time etc. I don't want...
She goes out for up to 3 hours per day with the dog walker at ten quid per day. She hasn't been crated in months ,mjust kept safely in the...
Might as well train a spending area then as she'll be on lead out there until the divider fence is put up anyway .....
Ahhhh just seen this, hope he is doing ok :)