How frustrating but an excellent walk. Charlie you need to be more careful !
I agree Julie. A dog that can cope with the unpadictableness of humans is no bad thing. When I got S&S I'd intended working them hilarious I know...
It's very interesting reading how charlie was reared upto 8 weeks of age Julie as it is almost the exact opposite to the way Scott and Scout were...
It has been very interesting to read about your thoughts on suprelorin Kate thank you. Once again I find myself considering castration for my two....
Hi. I'm sorry your boy is having problems. I'm afraid I don't know anything about dogs with epilepsy or KBr but I wondered if a natural flea...
Wow you were brave googling that who knows what could've come up. It happened to one of mine when he was a pup. I'm afraid to say the object of...
Hi. I have two labs (brothers) who are now four but we had a very similar problem to you. One, Scout, loved to retrieve from a young age the...
That's wonderful news. There's nothing like being greeted by a wagging tail especially when I bet you'd been worrying all night how he would be.
I have two dogs from the same litter. I had one lab for 15 years so going to two 7 week old puppies was quite a shock to the system. They are both...
Fingers crossed all goes well at the vets xx
I've posted some Happy at Heel Harness training videos here if you want to have a look how the harness works or just for some ideas on training...
It sounds like you are having a hard time at the moment and not much fun. I know you are already seeing a behaviourist which you sound happy with...
Hi does the vet think it could be an allergy ? Are there certain times when he chews his leg more than others for example when he's alone ? I have...
Thank you all very much. It's lovely to be able to share our progress with people who care and understand especially when it's progress I never...
It's been awhile since I posted about Scott and Scout as there wasn't really anything new to report. Scott and Scout's reactiveness towards people...
Hi Anne. I have two labs who are very nervous of people they don't know and can be very reactive a bit like Finn and bikes. Their problems started...
PS. Bearing in mind the nervous disposition of my dogs if the vet said remove it I'd have it removed. If your sisters dog would be very anxious...
Removing a fatty lump I think depends on where it is and if it's likely to get bigger. If it's in a place the dog can get at or somewhere where it...
Has this fear of the dark suddenly started or has he always been afraid of the dark ? Is there anything you can think of that may have happened to...
Well done Juno. Very brave letting a strange man on a very strange contraption stroke her. (I mean a stranger not a strange man ;) ) I bet she...