:clap: Well done! Slowly but surely you are getting there!
Thanks for posting this and giving others hope who might be struggling with the same kind of things. Perseverance is the ticket...keep at it and...
Well....that's dedication. I'm sure you are not the only one, but I must admit it's not something I would do. o_O
Lindisfarne?? This is totally not fair....!! Gosh, these are lovely pictures! I don't have any travel pictures...we haven't been able to travel...
Glad to hear your boy is ok. It's funny - we had a huge crop of grapes this year, and Simba didn't touch them. We have them all fenced off but...
Hey!!! FINALLY another Albertan!! Woot!! Howdy! I live in Drayton Valley with my 4 year old Lab/Newfie X Simba! Great to see you here! Glad...
Good for you for acting quickly. However I have to say that my dog ate massive amounts of grapes off our grape vine and was perfectly ok. So not...
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Sorry. Couldn't resist....
Maybe try some scent training? That way you could be working with his desire to sniff, not against it. It's something I would like to try myself...
Gorgeous! And I don't envy them with a dog in NYC, but where there's a will, there's a way! :)
And I think Stryker's ear is cute....
Depends on what you brush them with. If you are using a furminator it tends to strip the undercoat out along with some of the top coat. And I have...
Glad the first day with puppy sitter went well! Doubly so for Sparky o_O:D
:hug: Cutie pie....
Oh gosh, poor Harley! Hope it will clear up without too much fuss.
Yea, it is early days yet. Just take things slowly and enjoy this time of puppy closeness. :)
Sounds absolutely blissful for both of you! Enjoy, and can't wait to see your pics!
Excellent! They are marvellous dogs and a credit to Mum! :)
That is marvellous news! It will be wonderful for the two pups to have a nearby playmate. Nothing burns off excess puppy energy than a good romp...