Yes,it felt rude to say that! M and S ones ! Like that matters!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Seriously,that is me too! I can't help myself......
I have to say ,having read so many anecdotes of bizarre things dogs have eaten and passed ,she is probably going to be ok but don't take that as...
The right to elicit unbearable pangs of guilt from their human whilst staring you down as you consume or consider consuming anything at all........
Hello to you ,you have got 2 beautiful dogs there with some spectacular features ,gorgeous beard,wonderful tail and shiniest coat ever !
Ah I've just posted on your other thread,Kona is gorgeous ,bet it's a bit hectic at the moment though x
See ,you've got to get one! Kona looks a little cutie pie ,and settling in looks to be going well? X
Probably didn't smell as bad as some of the more unsavoury substances we find stuck on them at times!
Good grief Lisa,are these new neighbours ? I don't remember you mentioning them before? They look pretty determined to me ......not nice it's...
Didn't you know ,I have a haunted iPad? Double posting is us having a good day :rofl: ( Anyone suggesting it's an Operator not an Operational...
Hello there,good on you for making a start's a great way to build a relationship with your dog and reap the rewards of teaching some great...
Thanks Lucy, I hadn't heard of it x
Hi there, My nephew and niece were 18 months and 2.5 yrs old ,when Dexter joined us we managed and they visit me most days.We managed it in a...
Gosh,what a time she's had....How is she doing now ?x
Welcome to the Forum,what a pretty girl,I love her ears and she is soooooooooo shiny! Looks like she's really blossoming under your care ,lucky...
Ah welcome to the Forum and enjoy all your other puppy purchases too,looking forward to hearing about her coming home and what name you finally...
Hello there, Welcome to the Labrador Forum.There is a huge collection of information within the Boards. As to helping you with advice ,that's a...
Ah Fiona has put a kikopup one up for you.Emily does reward from the left food so I'm remembering wrong ....