Hi there, Dexter was a nitemare for it ...no tea towel was safe and he wasn't a counter surfer,it really was just tea towels.Dexter knew 'off' and...
He he he ,yet another level of privacy violated ! X
Eeeeee Not what you wanted, but do you think she's built some muscle? I know she's active anyway but I bet she will definately have been on the...
:rofl: I soak kibble and mix in some sardines and a few sea biscuits ,freeze it and then top with corned beef decorations ...... I pushed the...
Thanks Sue x
You've already had a lot of kind reassuring reponses and I hope you are feeling the value in the progress you are making.I've just stopped by to...
Hi there Bobas, I tried copying the link to upload it for you but it hasn't worked ( I'm not the best IT resource to come to your rescue to be...
My dog doesn't do this but a Friend's spaniel dumps a load of water on you ,well he tries too ,most of it has already drained away as he's...
I love to read a bit of Sam news so you post as often as you like Kate x
Hi there..... my dog is a lot older but his dreams seemed to have remained the same ,or rather his dream noises have ...he chirrups ,squeaks...
Hi there and Welcome. I live in Dubai with my Husband and our 4 year old yellow fellow Dexter ,he is originally from Scotland though x
I' m really sorry Fiona,you miss them so much when they leave us ...what a fun filled life they had with you ...RIP little Twitch,nibble happily...
Hi there and welcome. What a lucky puppy coming to live with you sounds like you will have a great time together x
Ah Emily,you have so got a book of dog stories in you .Every one you tell us about sounds a right character xxx
Hi, Yes contact your Vet immediately and I hope he is ok x
Oh my heart always lurches when I see an entry on this Board.I'm so sorry about Godzilla.It's very natural,but don't feel guilty,he had a much...
Hi Nicki, Such a terribly sad time for you and your family,I know we can all feel for you. I know you have been in touch with your Breeder,often...
Kimmie,this is a very disturbing first post to read and I don't really understand....her stomach is swollen after you have had had her fixed and...
How many days tablets did the vet give you? And what did they say about taking him back in? If it was me and I had rested him and he was still...
Hi there, It's impossible for any of us to diagnose just with chatting to you here ,your vet is the place to go,but many of the Forum members...