Ugh. Facebook has its place but honestly I get so tired of the nasties that lurk there. Why can't people let people live their own lives in peace?...
Agreed with the above. Don't beat yourself up. You know what you want and it's ok to wait a bit longer to get it. And if your Devon-pup ends up...
Wow, Emily, you are making progress! Devon looks like a perfect type of Labrador for you. Things are looking up I’d say!! :clap:
Simba was left alone with a whole tin of pure cocoa powder which was strewn liberally across the kitchen and living room when hubby returned home...
YIKES!!!!!!!! :shake:
Hmm...interesting!! Not sure we could do that with the way our house is situated on the yard. But thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Safe travels! Glad the Mexican food has fortified you for the journeys to come :D
How is Moo now? Hope she’s ok!
Yes I have thought of that...but we have a storm door and a regular door. :confused:
My backyard is actually really well set up for this. First of all we have no back alley, we share a back fence with our neighbours, which...
Thanks all. Feeling a little better tonight. I agree with the consensus to forego the walks. He will survive without! Thanks for the suggestions...
Yes I was worried about keeping the harness on in case he got caught on something. I tend to agree that perhaps the best solution would be to...
Aww poor girl. Hope she is right as rain soon!
Yes. Also it could be that the walks are out, and that I just have people stop by to feed him. He is fine in the back yard until the weather gets...
:( Feeling a tad discouraged this morning. Many of you know the history of my dog Simba, but for those who don't, we got him about four years...
She is such a delight for you all! So glad she has settled in with you so nicely...she has no idea how lucky she is!
She is gorgeous! Happy birthday Luna!
:( So sorry to hear this, Kate. Sam is happy and that is what matters. But it’s so hard on you, I know. Hugs to you. Hope this flare-up is short...
Hi there and welcome! Looking forward to hearing more about your Labs! Are they brothers?
Keep us posted on how Smokey is doing and don’t be afraid to ask more questions. We are here to help!