Yes, I noted that you said 30-45 minutes were LONGer walks for her. At that age my boy was off leash for an hour in the morning and sometimes...
Keep looking around, you may find some that will take him. A few where I live do.
Some health checks are gene checks and if the parents are clear, or sometimes even if not but mated to a clear dog, then the pup can be guaranteed...
I don't like meeting other dogs with one on leash and the other off either. Unfortunately for us it was the big, powerful leashed dog that...
No help but my brain transposed some letters in your title and I read it as "Ideas for training and brain working in a bar at night" and I...
EArs can be hard to clear up. Infection can be from bacteria or yeast or both. The meds used for one may not work on the other and some of both...
Gosh, I don't use anything. Never had paw problems. BUT, little salt used here and we don't walk much on roads anyway. Booties might help but...
I know someone whose Lab had his ear canal removed. He was left deaf in that ear but he was no longer in pain, scratching at it, oozing...
She might be noisy down there all alone. However we had exactly the same situation, our rescue was four when we got her. I went down a lot to...
Because he's happy. Hoppy. :) Some just do that. We met a bitch who could bounce to the top of the 5' fence surrounding her outdoor run with...
Oban sounds JUST like a baby bear when we play wrestle. I take it he is having fun but he'd like to win once in a while. :)
My input: We met a poor, poor man with a dog who eats other dogs's poop. I felt SO sorry for that man. It was a large off leash area, the snow...
I am lucky to be like Boogie, with lots of safe off leash places. AT 4 months my puppy was not yet safely vaccinated so all our walks were in...
My BIL has that gene. :)
My OH built a much sturdier pen than it was possible to buy and for Oban we put homemade, again sturdy, gates on the kitchen. The crate with door...
You could try giving him another object to hump and encouraging him on that. I got a big teddy bear for Oban and that's the only thing he has...
When Oban came home at 8 weeks old on Dec. 8 it was that cold. And we are in a snow belt, we used the snowblower to make paths for him or I...
My theory is that some puppy itching is just because all of a sudden they now have the co-ordination required to scratch. That would be hind foot...
I did too but I thought he looked Innu.
Tennis balls, real ones, have abrasive fibreglass in the fuzzy coating, so they are not good for teeth either, if the dog chews. I switched to...