The crate I am getting, for all the reasons mentionned here. The playpen, well, I might, especially or mostly due to the sleeping safely upstairs...
Thanks everyone. Well, my son does want the dog to sleep in his room, (the first weeks he'll be in mine just to make sure he doesn't get homesick...
Kate. I do have some friends from work that had a white bulldog. They found out months past that the dog was blind. I have since read somewhere...
Oh gosh Emily. I have had other animals, I've had a fox terrier, a couple of maltese poodles (3 all range of sizes), and a couple of cats, a...
The villagers ask me for Leão every morning. It is natural as they always saw him with me for our morning walk to town, as I've told you on the...
There's ten of them. I think there is still a black female available, just saying in case Emily needs an excuse to go to Coimbra on her...
Thanks Ski-Patroller. I am not thinking Gaston would sleep in his crate at night, unless he wants to really. He could go in whenever he felt like...
Just comparing notes on the sizes of the that I don't forget :rolleyes: And snowbunnys' on zooplus would be this sized one: 76 x 118...
Sorry cant edit anymore as the 5 minutes are up, just wanted to add that mine is a hatchback too, and the dogs do have generous space in the back....
Thanks Granca and snowbunny. Yes, I was considering one with the 2 opening doors. Yes we do have zooplus in Portuguese and thanks snowbunny I...
Thanks all for the useful advice. I actually wasn't aware an adult lab could be crated too, I was thinking the crate would only be used for a...
Hi Everyone, I am trying to figure out why we would need a create for Gaston. I do understand it would be useful for when we are not at home for...
Thanks Hollysdad (and Naya), just found ourselves one on Spanish amazon.
Lovely photos. Pongo and Holly are beautiful. The humans look ok too I guess:p Where can I get a bathrobe like Hollys' for Gaston ? Seems very...
Hi Ollie and Ollies' Mum from Gaston (lab pup arriving at our house on the 2nd Feb). We're in Portugal.
Hi Maxx and Maxxs' Mum, from me and soon to arrive Gaston. We're in Portugal. What are those big bowls Maxx is lying next to ? If those are for...
[IMG] Thanks Emily, I love those parts too, he's just so cute (I think I was was lucky as I just chose him based on a newborn photo of the...
Hi, and thanks for the welcome, Riesa and Master Bowie, after David Bowie;) Thanks for the kind words. Will absolutely post more pics of Gaston....
I would also like to thank everyone on the forum. I am reading it all through and it is the best, full of useful advice and information. Thanks to...
Thanks BevE. You are right, they do take a large piece of our heart, and if it wasn't so there'd definitely be something very wrong with us I...