I think your boys will be just fine together; they are used to each other and I doubt there will suddenly be a problem. Regarding Zeke working...
Merlin is 13 months old, and is a complete honey. A goofball, very funny, loving and energetic. He loves all dogs, and I swear does not have an...
I have a BIG smile on my face!!!
Good luck Messi! And chin up, Emily xxx
Awww, so glad you both had fun!
I hope this advice has made you smile, Rosie :D
I am so, so sorry :(
Oh gosh poor lad. Hope you find out soon what is going on.
I just want to say thank you everyone for your words of support, it's surprising how much it helps to write down worries on here and know that...
Back to the vet, have his weight checked again, you may need more rest and anti-inflammatories or the vet may recommend an x-ray. Is he having...
I agree. Keir is beyond special.
I hope Sky improves, and that the change in weather also suits her better xxx
Thank you for that!! Both dogs seem much, much better today - but I will look into the laser treatment. Our normal vet didn't mention it, but if...
I hope you had a quiet night and he's feeling better soon.
Oh, I forgot slow worms!! And garden snakes, we get them too.
[ATTACH] Feeling a bit sorry for herself...
Poppy did it too - stopped as soon as we moved to a raw diet. Vigilance is the key - and cleaning up the poop immediately. Good luck - it's pretty...
Do you go for walks together, or allow the dogs to play? I don't know, I'm just wondering whether if they were allowed to play together, then Ella...
I know, the red squirrels are an absolute delight. We have one chestnut-coloured one, and one almost black. They have nested in the big trees at...