Poor, dear Red, she looks sad in that pic. Must be so hard for you. Hope she gets more accustomed to it and more resigned than troubled.
Fab photo.
Love her :)
Plum bled for about 3 weeks and just when I thought she'd stopped, she'd start again! I think it's pretty usual for them to bleed all the way through.
During the week Plum gets brekky before walk and tea after late afternoon walk. At weekends, and when I'm on leave from work, she gets both feeds...
Hi @Isaac, My pup was left alone in a shut crate from the age of 10 weeks for varying amounts of time up to a max of two hours initially. I used...
I work full time and a lot of that can be at home but I am also out and about. I must admit I found it a nightmare when my pup was small, I was so...
Plum is a bit like this @JenBainbridge. She was fine at every visit, including repeated visits where she had lots of stuff done to her eyes owing...
The vet nurse lifted my girl into the car for me (she was able to walk to the car on lead). My girl's spaying experience was a little different...
Plum, at 19 months, is 20kgs.
I don't think you can count on both your girls having the same experience. It's quite possible that Ayla could sail through her season. My girl...
When I did puppy socialisation classes, there were two labradoodle litter mates who looked entirely different from each other at the age of about...
They're all smiling!
! One of the trainers/behaviourists who has facilitated a number of workshops I've been on has clicker trained cats and chickens :confused: !
She is so beautiful and oh, those ears :heart:.
I've just read the reply from @selina27 to you on another thread and have to say it is almost word for word my experience of my now 19 month old....
This is pretty common and my pup did it too so I learnt to scoop it up in the split second she moved away from the poo after doing it. I was...
My pup just slept at that age when left alone (she still does actually!) so you may find your pup does too. You could also freeze a rice bone...