Fantastic news - I can sense the immense relief in your words.
No I don't remember. Mum threw it, I chased it and caught it. I think I caught it anyway. Then I jumped up a steep bank and she couldn't follow me...
I lost my ball this morning. I don't remember where I dropped it. I felt a bit sad because mum didn't bring a spare so we finished our walk with...
Sorry to read this. Poor Red, and poor you. Did you speak to the vet?
Bang on time - 13 days after the last egg we have 4 (I think) hatched this morning. [ATTACH] then the parents came in to feed them.. [ATTACH]
just driving home from work & saw one of Coco's brothers walking along the road. I so wanted to stop, but fear I'd have looked like a nutter! I...
And I offer another tekhneeque - Catch the sniff while it's a long way off, the run for it! You have to ignore the shrieks of "Coco STOP", "Coco...
Happy 6th birthday lovely Homer.
Perfect. Just perfect.
Ah he's adorable. Such a sweet, innocent pup.
Hysterical! But yes, glad they declined to peel the peasant.
Not in the least bit interested in the slightly royal wedding - but we will be watching the North West 200 on the red button. Maxx, you look as...
I met a little dog today - he lives at the bottom of the road. He's called Jack. Or Russell. Or Woody. Anyway, his mum had parked him on a...
I've owned the bed for a long time now. It's so comfy, but the hoomans do fidget so. - Coco
Dear Millie xx
Bingo! Thanks for sharing this, I know a lot of puppy owners come on and ask about their puppy picking all sorts up. I'm sure this will be very...
Our girl Belle would never drink when out and about even in hotter weather, but would drink masses when she got in, so much so she'd chuck it up...
Sorry to hear Stanley's been sick again.
Oh he's devilishly handsome.
I met a fisherman this morning and he was very nice. He stroked me and said I was handsome and strong. Then we saw him again and he'd caught a big...