Very sorry to hear this, how scary. I hope Tilly is improving and all goes well with Cooper. :hug:
That would have been Brogan or Toby/Alf. Carbon is at the moment more of a Rory. But there's hope, he may yet turn INTO a Jack. He just needs a...
Rory. :D
Clearly PAUL is the Doctor and Carbon is the assistant. And maybe I'm the creature of the week?
No sorries necessary - I'm a fangirl, so it's all good. Maybe I'll put on an episode for Paul and Carbon this evening and see what they think! :D
Very good to hear. Hugs to you and Stanners. :)
Just catching up on this as well and wanted to say I'm so sorry hear of all your problems. But very glad that Stanley seems to be getting better...
Hey, did I miss the big name announcement? I love "Ginny" by the way. :)
Awww....lovely little podenco girl! :heart: Let's hope Paul (and eventually Carbon) follows Florence's example and settles into UK life like a...
Doctor Who, UK SciFi program. The Tardis is a time machine disguised as an old fashioned blue police box (same color as my car, ergo my bad...
He's adorable and yes - clearly a genius pup! :D He's just so wrinkly and chunky and fuzzy that he doesn't hardly look real. For size as an...
And by 'some', @selina27 is talking about @snowbunny. :D There's a reason it's the Tardis, and not just because it's really IS bigger...
Carbon got in touch with his inner Labrador today. All he needs now is some water, because that 'mud' is a little dusty. :D [ATTACH] Bonus...
Wow! Homer's really handsome - great to see some photos of him. Happy birthday, big boy! :happyfeet:
Wonderful idea! :heart:
I know many seniors aren't able to have pets because their living situation doesn't allow for it - for example assisted living - and that's...
Lovely story...Layla is adorable! :)
So I've been looking for a place to buy a crate that will actually fit Paul AND my car for the drive to the UK and stumbled (as you do) on reviews...
Adorable - and glad you've got your sense of humour intact about your flowers and your toes. :D
Yay! :happyfeet: Get some good sleep tonight and have FUN tomorrow! (and take loads of photos :) )