Excellent advicexalready given, go back to puppy basics with regular trips to the garden and reward for performing. A stay in rescue often causes...
Oh no! Poor boy! I did wonder if it was possibly pain related. I would agree with your behaviourist on both the growling itself and the best...
I knew you'd recognise the methodology :) . The growling could have been something or nothing if everything is fine today but it is always best to...
I wouldn't worry, dogs just don't chew food like us humans. You might get some crunching as they bite down but that's about it :) . Soften his...
I wouldn't try to have little one feed treats. You need to maintain distance so he doesn't feel the need to growl at all. From a distance have...
All pups lose teeth at a different rate. With Jen I found the odd tooth on the floor but most got cruched and swallowed :) Generally the new tooth...
No dog, regardless of how calm, relaxed they are, are bulletproof. My girl is totally relaxed, very gentle, but I totally accept and never forget...
Hi @CarolT consistency is your friend. It is perfectly ok to start your training from the start again but you need to be consistent with how you...
I don't train 'heel' walking, only ever a loose lead walk as I'm not into 'obedience' style training. If you are using a click should be doing c&t...
Health results are fine but what is the COI (coefficient of inbreeding) of the breeding in relation to the breed norm? Health results on...
Please don't drag her as it will not encourage her to walk, more likely to resist attempts to make her walk. It is not unusual for pups to be...
For basic training it's hard to beat Jean Donaldson's 'Train your dog like a Pro' . Covers sit, down, loose lead walking etc., all broken down in...
Hi @AlanM, I was just catching up with some of my FB groups when I read about a trainer, Jamie Robinson, who trains dogs to avoid snakes using...
Great progress with Kipper @HAH :)
I'll be interested to hear how the shock therapy goes :) . Luckily I have no concerns about Jen's hips but our therapists are working on building...
Hi @Lorraine Seale, I don't have any experience of sonic or infra red therapies although I do have a friend whose Lab is currently having laser...
Glad you like it @Harley Quinn . I'm tempted to print it off to give to clients to pin on their fridges as a recall reminder :)
I would go back to basics of crate training for your days working at home. You know he settles happily in his crate normally so it's just a case...
I would be having a hissy fit as well. There are many training seminars that I would live to attend with Jen but the stipulation often is when the...
It doesn't matter what the purpose is recall or aversion training the repercussions can be the same and lead to major behavioural problems. You...