I just thought other members who live in the same country where you are, could help you with your problem better than other members who live in a...
Where do you live?
I walk my dogs very early in the morning around 5 or 6 . It is not 30 + then and they come back tired and have enjoyed being out. Have you not got...
What a beautiful puppy. Good advice already given to you. Good luck.
Good luck that all goes well :)
Welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me.
Hello and welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me.
I am so sorry to her of your loss, but you did the best thing for your dear friend. :hug:
Do gofundme take paypal?
I have looked for your go fund me for your pup, but can not find it. Are you in the UK? What is your pups name?
I really don't know what to say. Are you insured and if so will that cover it? I would go for the surgery, because I would only worry if I didn't,...
Lovely read :)
I hope she will feel better soon. Not a nice thing to happen to anyone.
Poor Charlie I hope he soon feels better after the terrible shock. :hug:
A lovely read :)
What about the bed..........Annie
I hope you are soon better and don't have to see the bum man...................Fred
Of Emily I am sorry for all your troubles. Hope life gets better for you from now on and of course Carbon too.
Hello and welcome to the forum from Fred, Annie and me