Here is one that is more like it I think, the bowl is full of his favourite treats, and didn’t really need to use so much voice as my first video,...
Not at all Pippa, what you say makes sense, and I want to train him as best I can, I’ll put another video up with treats as he is very good with...
This is the worry isn’t it, they whine, so you worry about neighbours and family members getting sleep, so you try to minimise it, but then you...
Hi there, great news about the breeder, ours have said the same so this is the best news! In terms of them forgetting you I really wouldn’t worry,...
Can we post videos here? Or is it through YouTube? It’s not treats as he has had a couple of tummy upsets so not giving loads of treats, but he...
Great news Jade, can’t wait for buddy’s last jabs so we can go. Also all of our friends have young dogs so lots of socialising for us which is great.
Hi, buddy is only 9 weeks old and our first ever dog, so I’m afraid I don’t have answers for you, but just wanted to give my support. I’m glad...
Hope you don’t mind me hijacking this thread but I think it’s a good one for a guide for everyone. I’m feeding buddy on raw natures menu puppy...
Thank you, well he was fine last night, much to my surprise! He got up at 6.34 on the dot (that seems to be his time ha ha) out for a wee and a...
Thanks for your detailed response, he’s been fine today, eating and drinking, just had another poo, quite soft, not diarrhoea but it is a bit...
Thanks, he’s been fine today, so I’ll avoid the treats and see what happens. Yes he’s on a raw diet, but I’m buying natures menu completes, I’m...
Hey all, spoke to soon when I said to Pippa that the crate was going great and he was sleeping through ha ha! Had a bit of a bad night last night,...
I shall really look forward to challenges Pippa, great idea! I’ll see if I can post a video:)
The crating is going really well, thank you, he sleeps through the night and goes in for each nap, and toilet is great too, had him less than a...
I must admit I’m not sure on the holding the mout thing, we are doing more of just a gentle close, but agree it won’t be the right thing for all...
We’ve just got our first ever pup, he’s just over 9 weeks, so I’m very new to all this but I think it’s important on here to keep giving feedback...
Thanks Pippa, he seems fine and pretty sure what I’m seeing is normal. Second jabs next week so I’ll mention it then:)
Hopefully nothing to worry about but I just wanted to check this was a normal puppy ‘lazy sit’. I’ve never had a dog before let alone a lab and...
Not sure if this is correct but our breeder said things with bleach in smells like pee to them so they will do it where you’ve bleached? Can...