I'm glad that you have recommended going back to the vet. However I take issue with your suggestion that cranberry juice is an effective...
I think you're doing so well. You could try practising down in the heel position - puppy standing or sitting next to you, quite close, facing the...
They often do seem to have a mad period in the evenings - my OH calls it 'happy hour'. I feel the best way to cope is to plan in advance for when...
The other thing to remember is to gradually add distance, duration and distractions (one at a time) to the behaviours you've introduced. So for...
There's an article here that explains LAT (Look At That)...
You have my sympathy as my last Lab had skin/ itchiness problems. The way to establish if it's a food allergy is to put your dog on an exclusion...
I suspect he is genuinely hungry and I would give him his breakfast or at least part of it rather than making him wait.
I would stick with a harness but perhaps use one with both back and rear rings. You could then attach a double-ended lead - one end on the back...
I think you've already asked about this. A martingale collar is designed to tighten as the dog pulls (although it is more limited than a choke...
Another possibility is to scatter the food on the floor.
They are designed to tighten on a dog's neck (essentially a limited choke collar) so should not be used. Are you having problems with pulling on...
I am so sorry. It's an awful thing to have happened.
I have been working (as a trainee trainer) with someone on the issue of her dog jumping up at people (in excitement, not aggression) and you might...
I'm so sorry to hear of your bereavement. I'm glad you're feeling able to get out and about with GoodGirl Joy.
I can see how upsetting that is. @selina27 went through something similar with her dog about a year ago - and she has come through and so will...
Does he seem healthy otherwise? I mean is he drinking, weeing and pooing and scampering around creating mischief? If he's ok healthwise then...
@coco This link will take you to a page from whcih you can download an ibook with accompanying videos (more of a pamphlet really.) It's an...
I'm so sorry. This must be devastating for you.
If you're in the UK it would be a good idea to check with your vet whether you are in a risk area for lungworm (contracted from slugs and snails)....
I agree that the best way forward is to fond a behaviourist who uses force-free methods. If that is not possible, the book "Mine' by Jean Donalson...