Oh my. Chewie is nearly 6 months old now. We were just settling down after the initial puppy phase of weeing and biting and now... He is SO much...
I just want to reiterate the baby gate idea. It has basically stopped counter surfing in our house, as long as the open side of the counter doesnt...
I think you're being unfair here. @Ski-Patroller clearly said "if they need to," not that they leave their dogs alone frequently. Sometimes urgent...
We just got back from our first "manners" class and it was so disheartening. There were two other toy dogs there and he was so excited and bouncy,...
Without getting into everything else (I completely agree with everything that has already been said) a bed in the living room might be a good idea...
It's difficult to know exactly why he is barking, but it could well be excitement. Chewie definitely barks out of excitement when meeting people...
I hope he makes a speedy recovery Ruth!
I just also wanted to add that some dogs dont like being touched on the head and that this may be part of your dogs reaction. Having him nap in...
An update: I took some special treats (soft venison treats and a piece of banana) on our walk and he did a lot better. There were fewer and...
I generally don't let Chewie play with small dogs unless they are clearly comfortable with bouncy, rough play. If the little dog really wants to...
My dog was kennel raised, but the kennels are right next to the family home and the puppies were around the family a lot. He is generally not...
I had to look this up too. It is normal for puppies to get the hiccups frequently, especially when they are excited or wake up from naps or have...
Yes, that's the course of action I was going to follow, while taking some higher value treats. He is cautious in both directions, basically stands...
One problem is that one of the corners is the one that our house is on the corner of, so it's impossible to avoid it 100%. It is also the corner...
I have a weird question. My 5 month old pup, Chewie, walks reasonably well on lead, but seems to have developed a fear of approaching street...
Our boy had undescended testes to begin with. They had both descended around 12 weeks. Our vet's advice was to review at 6 months and remove an...
Chewie is now just over 13kg at 5 months. His body is only just catching up to his legs (and enormous tail) so I'm expecting quite a bit of growth...
Our pup is often snuggled between us on the sofa, but the minute someone gets up he sprawls all over their nice warm spot and looks terribly...
How exciting! Chewie is 5 months old and we have finished puppy preschool. We start a "manners" class for older puppies in a few weeks. I'm really...
I've also snapped at Chewie when really badly sleep deprived, then felt bad and had a cry. We are both okay! As others have said, look after...