Welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry to hear that you and your dog are having such a stressful time. It's not something I've come across before...
As far as I'm aware, runts can occasionally be born in any litter, no matter how well bred the parents are. If you are concerned about the size...
As Chris has said, my first port of call for this one would be the vet. Make sure it's not sore, and that's what is causing the issue. If it's...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just an excuse for cute pet pictures, really! My menagerie currently includes a cat, lizard, hamster, 7...
Hi there and welcome to the forum! The top illustration in this article is a stock photo, and the dog's exact mix is not given by their library...
That's great Michelle, do let us know how the phone call goes! x
Hi Kiwi, Welcome to the forum. This article has lots of helpful information for potential puppy parents that work full time:...
Hi Michelle, It's a tough one! I'd be concerned about causing the puppy extra stress by taking her, returning her, then taking her again. But...
How lovely, you must be thrilled! Do let us know how you get along :)
Welcome to the forum! I'd be wary of taking on a puppy at 14 weeks, but it's not necessarily a bad idea as long as the breeder is prepared to do...
Hi Dru, a very warm welcome to the forum from me too! The sounds like an amazing doggy gang :)
Hi Miles, I'm really sorry to hear that you are having such a tricky time. Hopefully you and Cooper will be great supports to each other. Having...
Hi Esmeralda, Welcome to the forum. It's very upsetting when a puppy cries in their crate, but don't worry :) It's just a learning process....
Welcome to the forum, and what a gorgeous dog!
I'm so pleased to hear you are enjoying him. It's amazing how clever they are, isn't it!
Hi TriciaAnn, welcome to the forum! Chewing, digging and general naughtiness are very normal for a young pup :) Looking for ways to keep him...
Hi Jade, Lincoln is so gorgeous :) Here's our guide to stopping your dog jumping up, which you might find useful:...
Hi Dallas, We've got a guide to cutting the nails of reluctant dogs here: https://www.thelabradorsite.com/my-labrador-wont-let-me-do-that/ Hope it...
Long lines are a great tool, definitely keep ignoring the people who don't understand them (as hard as that is sometimes!) Sounds like you are...