Let off steam again and again! My puppy has given me the blues, made me cry and not enjoy sitting in my own house! It’s tough! I don’t want to...
Rawhide is a product of the leather trade not meat and is processed with chemicals. Any chew needs supervision and you need to see how your dog...
Its way off yet as Gwenni is only 5 months and we will wait until she is around 16 months old but will have her spayed. Just wandering what...
So I have thought about what everyone has said. I have decided not to take her. She is pretty good meeting dogs on a walk but will go for it and...
That the crate in the bedroom was the best thing we did. Yes we had to get up around 3 times a night for toilet time for a few weeks but it also...
Thanks for your replies. Gwenni meets other dogs well on and off the lead - so far. She also listens to them if they don't want to play. If they...
When I feel overwhelmed with our pup I try and think what it’s like for her too being a baby in a new place with new people. We got our Gwenni at...
Hello, I have a 19 week old puppy. In the next few weeks there is an opportunity for her to join a puppy party. I will be with her and supervising...
My mouthy lab 18 week old puppy has been enjoying bully sticks/ pizzles since 4 months and yak chews and she has the wood root. The pizzels are...