Hi there and welcome to the forum :). There are quite a few things that can cause changes in behavior during the months when a puppy is teething....
Exciting times! Congratulations :) People worry a lot about which puppy is the right one, and what to look out for, but even the most experienced...
Sometimes a skinny puppy can look a bit pot bellied after eating a very big meal. How many meals a day are you dividing your puppy's food...
Hi there, a couple of points here. One is teaching the puppy to relax in the crate. And the other is how long you can leave a puppy in a crate at...
Hi Gem, welcome to the forum. Look forward to hearing all about your pup. It's great that you are getting prepared already. Here are a few...
Hi Laura and welcome to the forum. Eating rubbish is common and many puppies do this out of boredom, we have an article about it here which...
Hi there, you are in a difficult position and the causes (and solutions) of aggression can be complex and varied. I strongly recommend you get...
What a sad start to the year for you. I hope you can take comfort in all the lovely memories you have of your old friend. And in knowing that your...
Fantastic! :)
Several things here, one is that if you ration water, when the dog next has access to water, they 'tank up' and need to pee more often for the...
That's really nice to hear, but probably also a reflection on the effort you have put in to make sure that your dog is well mannered :)
Hi there, and welcome. Congratulations on your new arrival! Hope she is settling in nicely :)
Hi Lisa, sorry to hear about Beau, viruses like Kennel Cough can sometimes make dogs cough until they retch. But so can something stuck in the...
Lovely photo! He's a handsome boy :)
Merry Christmas! Just to wish you and your dogs a festive and relaxing Christmas. :) We hope you get chance to have a nice break with family and...
Hi Lisa, welcome to the forum - look forward to hearing more about your two boys :)
Hi there, so sorry to hear your sad news. I wrote this some time ago now, but there are many lovely comments from people in your situation that...
Hi Chris, recurrent soiling at night is not an uncommon problem. There's usually a trigger, something that starts it (such as being disturbed...
Hi there, leaving a young dog alone for more than five hours or so raises the potential for problems. One is the risk that the dog may be...
Thanks to those who let us know there was a problem with the forum loading this evening. :) We apologize for the downtime!