Ah great news. Look forward to seeing their little personalities coming through!
What a horrible experience to go through. Sounds like the last vet had a better idea of what a young dog needs. Is he on any medication that might...
Let’s us know how you get on.
I would ring the vets to get in sooner. There will be reason for the change in behaviour.
If you have ever had a UTI you will know the pain comes at the end of urination. The fact she shakes at the end is a pretty good indication that...
Hi I think someone on here mentioned using wet twisted pieces of cloth put in the freezer to help with teething
Hi Fiona Hopefully you will have had it checked by a vet by now if it hasn’t cleared up. He may need antibiotic drops if it is an infection. Have...
I would look at the environment she sleeps in. A very common allergy is house dust mites which all houses have but they multiply in carpets and...
Mine came to me on Purina Pro Plan, then switched to raw, then Royal Canin analergenic to sort out allergies. Now I know it isn’t food related I...
Hi You need to use a hosting site to upload photos or join as a forum supporter. See technical help at the bottom of the home page.
Have you had any success with treating this yourself? My dog has just started leaking small amounts occasionally. Having read that a harder stool...
Wonderful! They look so peaceful. What do you mean sleepless nights? ;)
When I click on my name at the top I get a line which mentions upgrade. However that may be because I have joined. Maybe someone from admin can...
You can have a Facebook account to join groups without going through the whole having “friends” and posting yourself. That is what I do. Am I...
Oh my goodness poor you. I wasn’t expecting that! Sorry you have lost one of them. That must have been very upsetting. Fingers crossed the others...
Any photos?
Hi Michael So sorry you find yourself with this horrible disease to deal with. My situation is different as Toby had a Grade 3 Mitotic 9/10 on...
Sorry no experience with any of those other than golden paste which worked for a while. Whilst not life threatening he is obviously in a lot of...
It does sound like she is bored with her walks. Are you able to drive to better places to walk? Just out of interest when you get to the forest...
Hi there Sorry I can’t help with the hips properly but from previous posts they seem ok. Put hip scores into the search engine to see previous...