I am sorry to hear that your lab may have paroxysmal dyskinesia. In response to your question - the veterinary neurologist conducting research...
I have responded to your post Nicole but my reply seems to have disappeared. Perhaps Admin can explain?
Hi Bery - sorry for the delay in responding - I have not been on the forum for some time. I am a little confused when you mention DNA results? As...
Hi Nikki Sorry to hear that your labradane is having episodes similar to paroxysmal dyskinesia. I have to say that I have not come across PD in a...
I am very interested in your post Amanda. I would like to hear more of Bess's story - would you like to talk further via private conversation?
Hi Jo - will message you via personal conversation if that's OK with you
It's very early days but there is some research being conducted into the possibility of gluten sensitivity being involved in paroxysmal dyskinesia...
Hi - sorry to hear about Georgie's diagnosis. Would be interested to hear more. If you would like us to have a chat please make contact via...
Have sent you a PM Tracey - hope to hear from you again soon.
Hi Tracy - welcome to the forum. Sorry to learn that your dog appears to be having episodes of paroxysmal dyskinesia. Another Monty (and black)!...
Hi - I have to say that I have no knowledge of paroxysmal dyskinesia in poodles - though it is becoming recognised in quite a number of other...
No evidence of this as far as I am aware. As far as my own dog is concerned, I use no flea/tic treatments - indeed I try as much as possible to...
Hi Louise - just spotted your post. Sorry to learn that you think Pepper may have PD. I have to dash out right now - hope it will be OK if i get...
Hope things to well re the appointment with the holistic vet. We are with an holistic vet (Monty has lots of issues!) and she has been great....
Nottingham University in conjunction with The Dogs Trust are conducting a research study into labradors and golden retrievers with skin problems -...
Hi Dp14 - welcome to the forum (and yes we do still use it! - though this is a fairly old thread) The condition that the Uni of Minnesota...
Unfortunately I am not able to view the video clip for some reason - but would be very interested to do so. My lab has suffered from episodes of...
Sorry for the delay in responding to the thread - I've not been on the forum for quite some time due first to laptop problems - and then to health...
Hopefully this new product may help some of our furry friends who get so stressed out by fireworks at this time of year - Zoetis has launched...