Re: Need opinion on new diet for Shadow Thanks everyone for the replies! Jacqui, you were spot vet gave me a strange look when I told...
Hi! I've recently decided to cut out processed and refined and preservative laden food for my own health. So I've been getting into the habit of...
Re: Help! I'm stressing! Yes, it is a BIG sigh from my side! I'm starting to realise that these dogs are more intelligent than we give them...
Re: Help! I'm stressing! I'm back! Have been without internet for a whole week... very bad for my sanity. Our weekend away: The first 24 hours...
Re: The Happy Puppy USA I ordered a copy of Total Recall on ebay yesterday, but when I wanted to order a Happy Puppy book it said "This seller...
Re: Happy Birthday- One Year Old! Congratulations on your baby's first birthday! Did she have cake? She is beautiful and I loved your story, it...
Re: canicross Oh, we do that. It's called go for a walk. Put lead on Shadow. Open gate. She runs. She is stronger than me so I end up running,...
Re: Help! I'm stressing! I think that keeping me calm is going to be the biggest worry. As everyone said, LOTS of treats, and her toys and...
I read once that you should never worry about bad things happening because you will attract negative energy and cause said bad things to happen....
Re: I need more sleep This might sound silly, but after I got really dark curtains so that the room was much darker even when the sun came up,...
Re: Why doesn't the UK have dog parks??? Just last night I was lamenting the lack of decent places to walk Shadow off lead where I live in South...
Re: Hello from South Africa Rachael helped me and now I can show you a picture of my baby girl and I. This was taken by a professional...
Re: Size of photos Thanks Rachael, you're a star! Now I can go put a picture of the two of us on my introduction post. Yes, she is a happy dog,...
Re: Size of photos Did that work? Rachael, you are so clever!
Re: Size of photos Pretty ducks. Ok, let me try just pasting link:
Good day all, Me and the photos again. Finally got profile pic sorted out by reading every thread under "Technical and Help" and resizing my...
Re: Pee in peace? Shadow can open the bathroom door and the shower door, so I can't pee or shower in peace! Luckily she's finally learnt that...
Re: Stressful!! I had a male friend come to visit and I've seen how he treats his own dogs...also very rough with them (cause it gives them...
Re: Dog Licenses No dog licence required in South Africa. Poop bags also not required. In fact, very few people will even pick up their dog's...
Re: is it really better with two or more? So many people have told me I must get a friend for Shadow, but I don't know if I have the ability (or...