My 5 year old is full lab and has a white mark on his chest, but the long coat does not look lab to me. Your pup definitely looks like a mix. He’s...
We have definitely been diligent with potty training and done all we can. He knows he should go outside and his accidents are on the way to the...
Diggy will be 8 months this week and still has several accidents a week. Sometimes multiple a day. He has his accidents on the way to the door and...
I so get where you are. I also struggle with anxiety and depression and lack of sleep is a huge factor in my mental health. I know exactly how you...
@raf108 yes, the both are. Our 5 year old is huge and our almost 7 month old is pretty average size. So I guess you just never know!
Our 5 year old black lab has a white patch on his chest that he was born with. People usually think he's not purebred, but he is and the breeder...
We've had three labs now, one that I'd characterize as more American-bred and two who are more English-bred. I will say that all three have been...
Hang in there. I feel your pain. Diggy is 6 months and still has accidents A LOT. But we've seen significant improvement over the last month or...
Love those big labs! Our 5 year old, Summit, was 18 lbs at 8 weeks and has always been huge. After a diet and some good exercise, we have him...
I’ll echo everything Quinn said. Your pup is still really little. We took our out at least once a night for the first month or so that he was...
Honestly, I think you just have to follow your pup's lead. Diggy was very clear early on when he was tired during a walk, so we knew how long was...
My Diggy is 18 weeks (so 4 1/2 months) and we are nowhere close to trusting him. He still has accidents more days than not. My 5 year old was more...
He's precious! Congrats to you!
Thanks everyone! His UTI is all cleared up and he does seem to be improving a tiny, tiny bit. Just a bit of a late bloomer, I guess!
Do you crate your pup? I have found that Diggy no longer really settles during the day unless he is in his crate. If he's been out and pretty...
I was going to suggest what Stew said. Carry some treats with you and if you encounter a group of kids, let them give puppy the treats and watch...
Diggy will be 4 months old on Monday. He's sweet, precious, but he still pees constantly. If he isn't in his crate or asleep, he needs to go about...
My pup is 14 weeks and definitely CANNOT hold it for 7 hours during the day. Overnight, sure. But during the day, I don't leave him in his crate...
Our 13 week old pup makes it fine all night in his kennel but pees the MINUTE me steps out of the kennel when he wakes up. We have a ways to go to...
Our 5 year old only gets nylabones and toys like that. Anything else will be destroyed within minutes. Its a bummer when he chews up one of the...