Hi Sheeplady, I also have a two and a half year old Labrador who steals obsessively. (He is not deaf, he just pretends to be!) We live in an area...
Update in case anyone is still interested - we seem to have resolved the plastic bag issue. After weeks of keeping Finn on a training lead and...
Hi Jo Thanks for your comments but there really isn't a problem with my relationship with Finn. Im sorry if my post made it sound that way but we...
Thank you very much for your detailed reply. Since my original post Finn found and ate another really big plastic bag. The vet had told me last...
Finn is 15 months now and on the whole a lovely, well behaved and calm dog. So calm in fact that a few people have suggested he'd make a good Pets...
Five month old Finn knows that if we leave the park and turn right it means heading to the beach for more fun, but turning left means we're going...
Joy, that sounds brilliant, though quite hard work to achieve! I wonder could I manage it. It would be a bit of an uphill battle because I have...
Yes, the entire dead bird Finn ate 2 nights ago (feathers and all) doesn't seem to have had any affect what so ever!
Oh, ok Charlie. I didn't know that about the flat collar, I'm glad you told me. I have a back fastening harness so I'll use that. We do play hide...
Finn is just over 4 months, still a baby really. The long line forum is interesting. I will give it a try. I hate restricting him to a short lead...
I have The Labrador Handbook. Maybe I should get Total Recall too, but Finn is actually very good about running to me when I call him. He wasn't...
Finn is mostly very good and adorable and we are lucky to live in a lovely area where we can go for walks on the beach or through woods. He stays...
I don't think his kibble is the problem. It's the rubbish he eats when I take him out. He finds everything from seaweed to dead crabs on the beach.
There is no other class . I live on a Scottish island.
A quick update - Finn has been clean at night now for a week! He is sleeping in my bedroom and wakes me when he needs to go out. It's a quick trip...
I'm not keen on my class but yours sounds so much worse! I have seen my teacher push dogs into sit (she has never done it to Finn), but she has...
I dont know when he 'goes' in the night. If I set an alarm I need to wake him up he looks at me like I'm crazy, dragging him out of bed and...
I decided that Finn's poops really were quite a lot softer than they should be. We walk on the beach every day (off lead) and its hard to stop him...
That's good advice. His poos are soft and I know I'm feeding him more than recommended. He's always hungry (I know., he's a Lab!) and my vet said...
So last night I got up at 1am and Finn went straight out and pooped and back to bed. Great! But tthen there were 2 more poops on the floor when I...