Hi, our 6 month old is making short work of all toys we give him, we’ve tried kong toys and other brands but he destroys them all! Within an hour...
We’ve just changed from Beta puppy to Pooch and Mutt puppy which has solved the same issue for us. Much less smelly too. Again has high protein...
Hi, just wondered if anyone has come across any new bedding for chewers recently? Geoff eats vetbed, blankets, doormats, carpet. He has lots of...
Eek! I like the idea of raw but lack the fridge/ freezer space for it.
Less food looks the way to go, he is certainly healthy and full of beans- or should I say chunks of my hands! Thanks all.
Thanks, anything’s worth a try!
Hi, our gorgeous black lab Geoff is now 16 weeks and has had soft poos since we had him at 8 weeks. They are impossible to pick up without leaving...
Geoff has just weighed in at 11.8kg at 14 weeks.