Update on Simba :) 19 weeks - 41 lbs 20 weeks - 43 lbs 21 weeks - 46 lbs
That was not meant to be a sad face. It was supposed to be a parentheses and colon! Haha
Update on Simba (male): 17 weeks - 36 lbs 18 weeks - 38 lbs
Update on Simba: he is 16 weeks and 33 pounds
That is true. It's just growling, thankfully!! But we are continuing to work on getting rid of even the growl. And oohhh yesss, those crocodile...
That is such a good idea! Thanks so much.
Thanks for your advice Michael. However, these are the steps that we have been following and so far so good. No growling the last two feeding...
It's not that I am casually putting my hands in it. A while back when we were beginning to potty train we wanted to get him outside as soon as he...
If I reach into Simba's food bowl while he is eating, he initially growls. After I leave my fingers inside it for a while though, while he eats,...
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful advice!!!
Thanks for this advice. I will definitely purchase a little vest for him before the next time. I'm also glad to hear that the initial panic is not...
Thank you all SO much for all of your advice. I was really devastated because I didn't mean to do my baby wrong. It was not a pool under the...
My puppy Simba is 11 weeks. I was hoping and expecting Simba would like to swim as most Labradors do. However today we got him into the pool, I...
Simba, at almost 11 weeks, is 18.5 lbs (8.4 kg). He was on the lower end a couple weeks ago, but now he is growing faster than fire! Just this...
Haha honestly he is always bumping his head, I hardly keep track anymore, so that could definitely be it. Thanks for the reassurrance.
Today we noticed Simba is developing a little bump on the top of his head. After doing a little Google research I learned that it is most likely...
Thanks everyone! I am so happy to be here :)
Hello everyone and nice to meet you all. We brought home our little Simba when he was just 7 weeks old. Now he is almost 10 weeks old, weighing...
Oh yes he is. Thanks!!
Hahaha yes we were cracking up when he noticed where he was at. Thank you!!