Re: End of tether....anyone any advice As I said I've been training her a year and a half, well even longer really. I have no time without the...
Re: End of tether....anyone any advice Thankyou for listening and replying :) I'm just having a day when I feel like I'm banging my head on a...
I posted recently about my dog Rosie and how difficult I was finding it to walk her with a pram/new baby and another little one. I walk her...
Re: Halti hoohah! Thankyou again Dexter, Progress through puppy classes, clicker and just a million hours of banging my head against a brick...
Re: Halti hoohah! It doesn't help that she seems to be the biggest labrador I've ever seen and I'm a 5ft tall weakling.....! I dread to think...
Re: Halti hoohah! Thankyou Dexter. It's hard isn't it! I do put many hours in but feel I'm getting nowhere fast tbh. She does walk nicely on the...
Re: Halti hoohah! I did have a gentle lead but after hurting her face quite badly dragging across the ground I gave up with it after a few months...
Hi, thanks for reading. I have a 18month yellow lab. She's good in most things but walking on lead. I have a baby in a pram and another...
Re: Dogs in cars Don't think you can shop online for a bottle milk lol. I wouldn't leave her to do a whole shop!???!
Re: Biting the hand that feeds Cheeky Harvey! Biting your hand lol. I'm not the most experienced but here's what I did with Rosie. I made a loud...
Re: Dogs in cars What a dilemma for a bottle of milk!
Re: Dogs in cars Thanks for your replies. Common sense told me it would be fine but had a niggle it might be frowned upon. I'd be mortified if...
Just a quickie for advice really. Just about to get into car to take Rosie somewhere for a good long walk. I need to pop into a shop and was...
Re: Cage Biter Welcome Harvey! Rosie chews hers now and again. She did hurt herself (no sign of any damage on her but she jumped up and ran over...
Re: New plan... Thanks everyone - it's working out ok. That's why you've had no posts of me in tears for at least three days!! Puppy training...
Re: Amy weighs... I should have said the 64 kg dog next door is a 1year old St. Bernard....not a hugely overweight lab!
Re: Amy weighs... The vet estimated 38kg? Wow that's a lot of lab for your money! Rosie was 18kg at her last weigh in at 5months - she's six...
Re: New plan... Brill, thanks for your comments. That's a good suggestion too Julie I'll take that on board. What a steep learning curve!
Thank you everyone who commented on my pleas for support recently with Rosie my 6 month lab. I have taken on board everyone's advice, read pippa's...
Re: Life changes.. Sorry you're having this awful dilemma. It sounds like all you want is the best for your dog and like others have said - you...