Hi My 2 year old labrador has always slept through the night but recently has started waking at 2 or 3 am to go outside for a poo? She used to...
Thanks Michael, There is no way my cat at 16 who is so strong willed will do anything I want him to. I think he sleeps most of the day so at night...
My 6.5 lab puppy always slept through the night on my bed with her sister lab 3 year old. Unfortunately I have a 16 year old cat who comes in and...
I already have stair gate etc but I childmind and one of the children left her grapes on floor that's why she got them. Learnt my lesson now x
Hi, Im at my wits end with my 6 month old lab puppy - she will eat her own poo, her sisters (3 year old lab) and looks for poo when we out at...
Hello, just an update on Rosie - luckily she was fine and the grapes didn't affect her but I didn't sleep all night worrying about her. Just have...
Hi My 6 month old lab puppy ate some cut up grapes from a packed lunch bag (I think as I can't fine them anywhere) and she had eaten some crisps...